Chapter 22

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It's seven PM in London when they get back to Harry's flat. Niall was there waiting for them with Sugar on a lead and Oliver laying in his carrier. Scarlet bee-lined for the fluffy white dogs that was bouncing with excitement and barking as soon as she caught site of her owners.

"You'd think she couldn't wait to get away from us!" Niall laughed, letting go of the lead so Sugar could greet Scarlet.

"Us?" Harry questioned as they stopped outside the flat door.

"Yeah, Liam's been hanging out at my place for the past two weeks, went on a walk with Sugar and myself any time I took her out. I think this is the most I've ever seen of him since he started dating Sophia." Niall replied.

Harry and Louis gave each other knowing smiles, Harry feeling thrilled that Liam had taken his advice. Louis took the flat key from Harry and opened the door, all of them wondering inside. Niall opened Oliver's carrier and the white and orange cat came walking out and immediately went to sit in Harry's lap on the sofa as the taller man dropped onto it with a sigh.

"I thought holidays were for relaxing?" Niall laughed as Louis did the same as Harry and Scarlet laid down on the floor with Sugar.

"the cruise was relaxing, but traveling is always tiring." Harry replied stroking the cats head as he purred happily.

"S' why I've been as far as Paris." Niall commented.

"You've only been to Paris? Mate... you need to get out more." Louis stated leaning back against the sofa.

"Cost money to do those things Lou, we're not all swimming in it like you." Niall replied rolling his eyes.

"You're a video game tester Ni, surely that doesn't pay too shabby." Louis responded.

"It's not bad pay but it doesn't let me travel all over the place either plus going alone is no fun." Niall said as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

"Well take Liam with you. Sure he'd love to do a bit of traveling." Harry cut in and Niall looked at him.

"Why would I take Liam? I mean I have other friends too..." Niall frowned - did they know his secret?

"Just a suggestion, think Li would enjoy it." Harry shrugged his shoulders trying to be nonchalant about it.

"Yeah mate, pick a place, tell Liam, pick a day, and I'll pay for it." Louis stated earning raised eyebrows from Niall. "Consider it a payback for all the times you watch the animals and Scar."

"I mean, I guess I could..." Niall started then trailed off.

"Go do it Nialler! Once in a lifetime opportunity right now!" Louis exclaimed dramatically. "A vacation of a lifetime paid for by the one and only Louis Tomlinson!"

Niall laughed and then sighed, "Yeah, alright I'll talk to him."

"Good. Now be gone peasant I have unpacking to do!" Harry smiled, removing Oliver from is lap to stand up. "Thanks for watching them while we were gone Nialler."

"No problem Haz." Niall said moving towards the door. "See you guys later, bye Scar."

"Bye Uncle Niall!" Scarlet called as the blonde left the flat.

"Scarlet, go unpack your things and put your dirty clothes in the basket by the washer." Harry ordered as he grabbed his own suitcase.

Scarlet wondered off to her room with her suitcase while Louis followed Harry to his.

"You want me to order some takeout?" Louis questioned already pulling out his phone.

"Yeah, Chinese sounds good." Harry responded, hefting his suitcase onto his bed and unzipping it along with the duffel bag he had brought.

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