Chapter 10

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"I broke up with you..." Louis spoke quietly.


_He thinks it's for the better, to go ahead and end things with Harry because after hearing it so many times he thinks maybe Chad has a point. What are the chances of meeting your true love and having them be the person you grew up with? He's heard of a few people being high school sweethearts but it seems like most of the time they meet their true love in college._

_So he does it._

_He ends his nearly three year long relationship and tries not to notice the tears and pain in Harry's eyes as he gets up and leaves. Chad's waiting outside to take them to footie practice even though it's raining, coach didn't give them a break._

_"The rain won't make you melt!"_

_Chad leaned over from the driver seat and kissed Louis' temple. He's finally got what he wanted, the curly haired lad is out of the picture._

_*End Flashback*_

"It was good for about a year though I couldn't stop thinking about you. I saw all of your texts and missed calls... even went to answer a call one time but... he stopped me..." Louis continued looking down at his lap.


_His phone rings. It rings around the same time whenever Harry calls._

_It's been about four months since he left Harry and it never fails that his mind wonders to him every day. Up until now he didn't even consider answering the phone, he was trying to get 100% over Harry so he could be devoted to Chad. But today is a little different because he hasn't seen Harry at school for about two weeks now and today he overheard some of the girls he knew were in Harry's class talking about Harry having dropped out. He can't help but be concerned._

_"Will he ever stop calling?" Chad groaned looking over at Louis from where he sat on the sofa._

_"I'm just going to answer it and find out what he wants." Louis said looking at his ringing phone._

_"Don't you dare answer that." Chad spoke getting up and moving to where I stood._

_"Why?" Louis questioned looking confused._

_"Because I don't want you talking to him. He's just going to whine and cry about how he wants you back, he can't accept that you're happier with someone else." Chad replied taking the phone and setting it on the counter just as it stopped ringing and went to voicemail. "Besides, wouldn't you rather be with me than talking to him?"_

_He didn't wait for a response, he just took Louis by the arm and led him to his bedroom. Louis did not bottom, ever. He was always on top with Harry unless Harry was riding him but even in that case he was still in control. This was not like that. Chad didn't ask questions, he just pinned Louis down and wrecked him, spilling into a condom before removing himself and jerking Louis to his finish._

_*End Flashback*_

"I never found out why you weren't in school anymore... I should've gone to your house or something to at least make sure you were alive. I guess maybe I knew if I saw you I'd dump Chad and get back with you... but apparently he knew that too. After we'd been together a year... things changed." Louis said looking over at Harry.


_"Where have you been?" Chad questioned as soon as Louis stepped into the door of their now shared flat._

_"You asked me to stop by the store on my way home from class." Louis replied holding up the bag from Tesco's._

_"It took you long enough! I didn't ask you to buy the whole fucking store!" Chad said angrily, snatching the bag from Louis' hands._

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