Chapter 12

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So that's what Louis did. For the next month, he a lot of his free time with Harry and Scarlet when they weren't busy. He bought Scarlet a new pair of high dollar cleats that didn't hurt her feet and she almost refused to take off claiming they were comfy. He took Scarlet and Harry out to dinner or brought take out if Harry even hinted that he was tired.

Very slowly Scarlet was beginning to warm up to him. She still glared at him and gave him sour looks, but they weren't quite as harsh as they had been at first. She didn't speak to him unless he spoke to her first or unless she was saying a quiet thank you for something he had bought her.

He didn't buy her many things since Harry had told him not to saying he didn't want her growing up to be a spoiled brat that expected to get everything she wanted. And Louis respected that because he needed to follow Harry's instructions and also he agreed with him.

Of course, things didn't always go smoothly. Even though Scarlet had warmed up to Louis slightly, she still did not like him in the least bit. It showed when they were all together, but it showed even more if they were out and Harry needed to go to the bathroom real quick or something, leaving them alone. Louis had found that out a couple weeks after he had first met Scarlet.


_Louis pulled up to the small restaurant and spotted Harry's black SUV already parked in the car park. He hurried inside and found Harry and Scarlet sitting at one of the booths near the windows off to the side._

_"Hey." He smiled walking over to them._

_"Hey." Harry greeted looking up from his menu._

_"Sorry if I kept you waiting, we had some issues with a newbie." Louis said sliding into the booth._

_"Everything okay?" Harry asked politely._

_"Yeah, just tripped over the microphone cord and busted that so I have to go find a new one and somehow it was our fault she tripped. Not really sure how that works out but..." Louis trailed off with a shrug as the waiter came and took their drink orders._

_"Sounds like you'll have your hands full with that one." Harry offered Louis a small smile._

_The waiter returned with their drinks and took their food order before disappearing again._

_"I'm gonna head to the loo, I'll be right back." Harry stated quietly as he slid out of the booth, leaving Louis and Scarlet alone._

_"So love, how's school?" Louis questioned looking over at Scarlet._

_"Fine." She replied playing the wrapper from her drink straw._

_"If you ever need help with an assignment you can always ask me, I'd be happy to help you." Louis said trying to let her know he's there if she needs him._

_"I ask Daddy when I need help." Scarlet responded pronouncing the word 'daddy' a little stronger._

_"I know love, but if Daddy's ever too busy..." Louis started and Scarlet looked up finally from the straw wrapper._

_"Daddy always helps me and when he can't Uncle Niall does." Scarlet stated with a serious face._

_"Okay." Louis replied quietly._

_The conversation died, Louis unsure of what to say and Scarlet not wanting to talk to him. Harry came back a minute later and slid back in next to Scarlet, giving her side a little poke, making her giggle and squirm. He leaned over and pressed a kiss to her forehead and reached over to brush her bangs across her forehead with a loving smile._

_Louis wished he could do that because he really wanted to. Her hair is just like Harry's and he imagines it's probably just as soft._

_He's a bit taken back by how different Scarlet is acting now. When Harry left she got an attitude with him but when Harry came back she was giggling and polite._

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