CHAPTER 5: Memory Synchronization (FINAL)

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All of the objects has escaped Torch's, or perhaps, Eye Patch's mind. Now that everyone has found out the real identity of Torch, everyone has been cured, but Eye Patch will remain in Torch. All of them ended up in an unknown area of Artist's Tower where the objects found two more people looking at them, Bow and Arrow.

Arrow: (extends her hand towards the group) WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?! (backs away) Destroying Eye Patch's brain didn't save him nor stop the Inkfection, all it did was... release... him...

Bow and Arrow look in front of them with a horrified expression. The others looked behind them to see what they were so shocked about. Behind them is a large, dark, polygonal figure with a deranged smile, looking down at them.

Bow: His master, Memory.

Inkwell went towards Scroll, who appears to be crying on the ground.


Inkwell: Wh-What are you talking about?

Scroll: I tried so hard! I did what w-was best! And still... I can't live a happy life! All this pain, it hurts, it hurts everyone I've met, even you...

Inkwell: I... I don't understand. Why are you blaming yourself? Didn't Torch-

Scroll: YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND, INKWELL! I never belonged to Inanimatica. I belong to another universe, far from here. And... and... every world I travel to, something bad happens.

Blocky: (at the distance) Wow! What a plot twist!

Scroll: I hurt you the most, Inkwell... You're forced to stay in this eternal bond with me. Forever... I lead YOU to suffer... I killed your life, Inkwell. You were so happy before.


Everyone stared at Inkwell and everything went silent for a few seconds.

Inkwell: NONE of that is true! I don't care if you were actually from another world, I don't care WHAT you might have "caused" and you know what? I CHOSE to have this life! I chose to take you in! I FOUGHT, I went through other worlds FAR from here, just to save you and Popcorn... and the others! Knowing my memories from the past doesn't change anything.

Inkwell then ran, jumped, and extended their arms towards Scroll to hug her.

Inkwell: Because even if we're in this situation, WE'RE JUST AS ALIVE! AND WE DON'T NEED A SILLY PRIZE TO LIVE!

Inkwell then wrapped themselves around Scroll.

Inkwell: Because I'll love you no matter what happens. OKAY?

Scroll also wraps herself around Inkwell.

Scroll: I'll love you forever too, Inkwell. It's what I'm meant to do!

Inkwell and Scroll wrapped themselves around each other and were formed into a ball, which made everyone confused of what was going on between them.


RUMBLE RUMBLE (sound of Inkwell and Scroll fusing together)

Popcorn: Huh...?

Aroace: What the- What is going on??

The rumbling stops, and the two friends reveal their new form to everyone.

Inkwell and Scroll: It's alright. We already knew.

Popcorn: (flabbergasted) No way...

PROPHECY [she/they]

Prophecy ran towards Memory to fight him.

Memory SynchronizationWhere stories live. Discover now