Chapter 3 "good bye "

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I say dad your dead how and why would you do this to your own daughter dad remember one you would get mad one I call you your name mat"
Dad why he stabs me and I lied to you I never survived I died that day and my father was my murder
And my body was never found
My eyes were closing my eyes were tearing and that's the end of my story
my body left me I felt like I was flying to the stars
and I felt nothing to be honest he took me to a river

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My eyes were tearing even tho I was already dead
he slowly whisperers to my ear "I always loved you"
he gets a bout and puts my body on it as takes me to the middle of the sea and
Then he carry's me and throws me down to the water I felt dead I felt like i saw the fishes
I saw the the sea as I drowned and my blood was all over the sea it was red I slowly lose my self
My eyes start to close my heart starts to stop and I knew that my mom is gone be traumatized
But I learned "sometimes the one you love is the one who kills you" and that's my story I never
Survived I failed

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And now I couldn't know if I was happy I was always had death wishes of me to die
I mean everyday I seem to ruin people's days so now maybe
They are happy now and I wish my body is found but I don't think it did
and now this where it ends it ends here it ends with me.

Heartless Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ