7: Paquetá's new manager

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"This is Alexis Duchess, with whom am I speaking?"

"Good afternoon, ms Duchess. This is Lesandro Da Silva."


"H-hello there... mister Da Silva..."

"Please, feel free to call me Luz."

"Okay... Well, Luz, feel free to call me Alexis, or Alex, or Lex or Lexi."

"Thank you, Alexis. I don't know if you're already aware of the cancellation of the qualifications for the Copa? If not, now you know. The players are back in town, so Lucas and I are wondering if you're free to meet up today."

"Yes, sure. I'm available."

"Good. I'd say let's meet up at 6PM in 27 Restaurants and Bars?"

"Yes, that would be nice."

"Will you be transported ?"

"Yes I will."

"Alright then. We're looking forward to meet you. See you then."

"Likewise. Until then!"

We hung up and I called Dakota right back. I did everything I could to not have a mental breakdown. Not only is the Copa qualification cancelled and he had to come back home earlier, BUT I HAVE TO MEET HIM TODAY? What was I going to wear? We're going to a fancy place too! Ugh.

I created a big bazaar in my closet just to find the right outfit. Everything was so chaotic.

"Daughter of mine. What's the matter?" My mother questioned as she entered the room. Her eyes widened when she witnessed all the mess. "Goodness, what's all this?" She pointed at the ground, which was full of clothes and shoes.

"I have an important last minute meeting and I have nothing to wear!"

"What do you mean you have nothing to wear? Have you seen all the bazaar? I wonder what your place looks like considering you don't have a maid."

"Mother, don't pretend like you don't come at my house every other day. You got a key too!"

"Yeah yeah. Whatever. What's the meeting all about? And how irresponsible is it to do it last minute? You'd never face this kind of stress if you worked with us."

I rolled my eyes of annoyance. "You're right, mother. I wouldn't face this type of stress with you.... I'd face worse!"

She touched her chest and dropped her jaw as if she was offended: "Excuse me, young lady?!"

"You're not excused."

I heard someone laughing on the phone. Snap! I completely forgot I was on the line with Dakota. She must've heard all the drama I created in my bedroom and my conversation with my mother.

"What was that?" My mother questioned. She took my phone and saw I was on the line with someone. "Are you kidding me, Alexis?" I shrugged. She sighed and gave me my phone back. "I have to go. Don't wear something that'll make you look like a pregnant elephant and behave yourself during the meeting." By that, she left.

Not my Goal: Lucas Paquetá Where stories live. Discover now