2: Gilmore Girl

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Crickets were cricketing  (is that the correct term?), the stars were shining and the beautiful lights were on. Our garden is definitely my favourite place in this house. I love to spend time here; Reading, writing and watch some movies on my laptop. It's such a peaceful place. But I'm here with Justice now.

"Nice place," He complimented. "I wonder what made you leave this place and go for the poluted city."

I don't remember him showing any sign of interest in my life. Like I usually do, I put on a fake smile before answering him: "My job is there, so it's more convenient for me."

"Hm... I see. Communication and safety manager and a copywriter. You must be... Busy. Or not, I mean, what do you do again? Writing fan articles for football players?" That jerk had a whole smirk on his face, but boy was he handsome.

"Hey, I don't remember you showing any type of interest in my life. Especially after all those years."

"I've always been a good listener and observer. For instance , I could tell you had a huge crush on me back in the days."

My jaw dropped, causing him to laugh. Excuse me? How'd he know?

Okay, calm down, Alexis, no big deal.

"Am I wrong?" He questioned, already knowing the answer. "And uh, maybe," he said as he was looking at me from top to toe as if I was a meal. "Maybe there's still that spark left-"

"Excuse me?"

"Come on, I saw the look on your face," He caressed my cheek. "Maybe we can grow that spark. Can't really miss an opportunity with such a glow up."

I pushed his hand off of me. How pathetic can someone be? Who the heck does he think he is?

"What? Not satisfied? I thought that that's what you wanted." Seeing I wasn't giving him an answer, he got pissed. "Always sum with you black b*tches. Sobbing for being neglected yet rejecting all the fellas. You got your own mother trying to fix you someone and stuff."

Oh, I had to laugh. This surely is a funny one. "Are you retarded? How old was I back then and how old am I now? Don't you hear yourself? I'm not even going to waste my time on you. Bye."

What a jerk! I was so going to rant about it to Jolie. Can't wait until we meet up tomorrow! This guy is the definition of insanity. He followed me down the hallway and grabbed my wrist, which I snatched aggressively.

"Chill, bro."

"Chill? You criticised my place, my job, touched me without my consent and called me names in less than ten minutes and you want me to chill?"

"Don't say it like that. Makes me look like a terrible person."

I rolled my eyes of annoyance. "Really, why did you come?"

"Well my mother told me that Beloty Duchess and her husband invited us for dinner and they have a beautiful daughter that could be no other but you." By that, he winked. Attractive, but disgusting at the same time. "Sometimes I get too much ahead of myself and can come off as a d*ck."

I side eyed the corner and curled my lips with a sigh while thinking: 'You mean it.'

He noticed my sarcasm and couldn't escape from laughing. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusing when I looked at my old crush. "What?" I questioned in confusion.

He just shook his head and got himself together. "Dinner isn't ready yet so we can have a full chat."

"Are you going to be a jerk again?"

"Depends." With a little wink, which didn't make sense at all.

Justice and I went to the front yard and sat down somewhere. Like previously mentioned, we attended the same school. He was a closed off person. He kind of reminded me of Sasuke Uchiha from Naruto (without all the tragedy). Girls were so intrigued by him, I was among them of course but my awkward self couldn't handle it. I'm surprised to how he caught on. Maybe I should ask? I'm not an eleventh grader anymore. As I was about to ask, Justice spoke.

Not my Goal: Lucas Paquetá Where stories live. Discover now