Chapter 2

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"Hello... old friend. It's good to see you..."

"Spencer! It's so good to see you!
Oh wait! I mean General Reed, sorry." corrected Dr Harper as he awkwardly hugged his friend after trying to salute.

"Ha! Ha!
Yes, we both have new names to call each other now. First teacher and now Headmaster. Dr Liam Harper. I'll never get used to that. Headmaster of one of the best schools in the country with students from around the world.
Very impressive.
I'm very... happy for you.
How have you been?" asked the General, trying to sound as casual and interested as he possibly could.

"I've been good thanks, just very busy.
Running a school isn't as easy as it sounds but it is something that I love doing. I'm glad to see that you are still alive and kicking, the last time I saw you, you were leaving to fight some war, dropping out of college completely."

"And we won didn't we?"

"I guess we did... And we have YOU to thank for that.
You still look the same...
So, what's with the surprise visit?" he asked a little suspicious of his old friend - he remembered that one way or another, he always had an agenda.

"I'm here to collect payment on a small debt that you owe ME." lied the General.

His mind drifted to how delicious she looked in her uniform. How he wanted to tear it off for a taste of what lied underneath. He had seen her as she passed by on her way to one of her classes.

'I'm here for her.'

"Oh, right. What do you need?"

Dr Harper knew that there was definitely another reason behind the visit - he just didn't have any proof. Sad to see that his friend hadn't changed, and he doubted that he would change any time soon; not after the accident.

"I need... some of your students."

I can't just give you some of my students!
They're humans for crying out loud not things to be used as capital!" spat Dr Harper furiously; not sure why or how Spencer could even think of a thing.

"Whow, calm down old friend. That's not what I meant. What I am proposing will benefit us both. I need some advertisement and I am willing to take some of your students on and have them study under my program... for free.
Obviously only one student will be offered the... reward at the end of their training but it's good publicity for both you and I. And it will teach some of your kids some discipline; I heard that you have had some issues with that before...
So, what do you think?"

Dr Harper thought for a long minute before answering;

"Well it is a good idea. And it can better our reputation for future enrolments... alright."

"But I can only take students of 18 years and older. You know how it is with the law and such." he waved his hands unimpressed.

"Uhm... I guess that's perfect then... We can announce it tomorrow."

"Yes, tomorrow I'll give your kids all the information on how it works then I'll leave a form for them to put their names on and send emails out to the students that have been accepted." he explained eagerly hoping that She would be one of those that signed up, if not, he would have to make other arrangements to get Her.

"That's great, just keep me updated and I will sort everything else out from my side. Thank you for the visit and don't be a stranger anymore; try to keep in touch..."

"Of course."

The General walked out with his head held high; full of excitement. He beckoned for his Sergeant to approach.

He saluted before he asked eagerly;

"Sir. Did he take the bait?"

"Yes, I think he did. Tell everyone Operation Capricorn is a go.
Oh, and tell Dr Roushkav to be ready. I will have a new test-soldier for him soon... and it will be a female."

"Yes, sir. But how do you know?" inquired the Sergeant unsure of what the true plan was.

"That's because we will make sure it is a female. That is what will be needed for... the team, Sergeant. Let's go. This is our last soldier to take and our plan is nearly complete."

He grabbed the Sergeant's shoulder with a proud look in his eyes.

"We can finally end it all, Sergeant!"

"Yes Sir!"

The General and Sergeant walked over to the helicopter and flew back to a nearby temporary base. They had set it up to make it easier for them to move around and monitor the school in case anything should change.

All the while he smiled. His plan was nearly complete; he almost had her in his grasps. Now all that was left was to visit was the arena and inform the others; he would need his spies for this. It's time to prepare the others and perfect everything for his future plans - his future with HER.

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