Chapter 14

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Today was the day the art students had to present their artwork to Miss Zerine along with a good story of what is more important than her art lessons.

Most of the art students did the usual and did stories on how art was the most important subject to them which brought a massive smile to her face. They obviously didn't want her to hold a grudge and sabotage their grades which she was very capable of doing.

Xelia and her group giggled as they knew what they had to say and show would piss her off to a new level.

They sat patiently; waiting. Miss Satan scowled at them before calling them to present their artwork. She looked on eagerly and expectantly at the hidden frame that slept in the middle of the groups table.

Ntsakela stood confidently and picked up the artwork bringing it to the front of the class. She waited as one by one the rest of them stood up and walked to stand beside the artwork.

It's now or never.

Miss Satan looked at them one by one and hesitated before sitting back with her arms folded; not surprised that they did this as a group and rather expected something like this.

They had finally come to their senses.

The white cloth that covered it brought out more excitement from the rest of the class than anything else.

"What is MORE important than Miss Zerines art lessons?" began Ntsakela with a smirk.

The class giggled.

"The answer is..."

Silence crept in for a minute.

"Us." finished Tannah.

"US as individuals and US as in Our friendship. It is way more important than any lesson of any subject." explained Ntsakela.

"The story we are about to give is a very, VERY summarised version." added Taylor.

"And it goes like this." started Xelia.

"It was a bizarrely hot day. We sat at our groups spot chatting about anything and everything which was mostly nonsense. And as you all know, we can talk a lot of shit just for laughs.


This one little bitch that used to be in our circle started to push us away just because she had a bitch-lover who also used to be in our circle." informed Dwayne dramatically not ashamed to say it as it was.

The class gasped and laughed. This was art class, they were allowed to express themselves in any way they wanted.

"She isolated herself and pushed us all away. We tried to talk to her and her boyfriend about it, but still they excluded us. To them; it was just them against the world and we clearly meant nothing. Which is okay, we understood.

Relationships right?" added Ntsakela irritably.

"So, we gave up and decided to wait for them to talk to us, when they were ready of course. But she never did; unless she needed something but thats another story completely." said Taylor sadly.

"Then we started to hang out without them because when we used to hang out with them they would be in their own world and completely ignore us or worse, talk about us while we were there.

So, whats the point?" added Tannah angrily.

"It was then that the trouble started. She sent her boyfriend - who was her little puppy - to make us feel bad. Forgetting the fact that we did try but it was all for naught.

We all shut him down and he backed off immediately." confirmed Ntsakela confidently.

"So like any ordinary group, we took pictures of when we went out and you know how it is.

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