Chapter 37

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Raphael, Ripper, Oblivion, Ash, and Bash walked calmly into the waiting area of the killing arena. They were ready for whatever was going to be thrown their way.

The atmosphere was electrified with the fear of not knowing what would happen if they failed.

But there was no room for failure tonight.

Bash had explained that he knew what to say to the General when and if he was asked where the others were; though he doubted that he would pay much attention to anyone but her there... that was what they were hoping for.

Everyone waited patiently for the signal, preparing their minds and bodies for what they had to do.

The gates were pulled open, and they looked forward with determination. They would get out. They had to - there was no choice in the matter.

The gates put up a fight then opened solemnly.


Raphael watched as the bright lights - which hung over them judgingly - guided them to the beginning of something that had countless possible endings.

When her eyes adjusted, she scanned the audience for her friends. She found them and they looked ready - or as ready as they could ever be. She also counted how many guards surrounded them. Though these guards seemed very different. They each had masks on and looked very disinterested in everything going on around them. One of them stood out to her as he stared at her. He took his time raking his eyes up and down her body. His eyes were very familiar though. VERY FAMILIAR.

'1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6... 10. 11. 12. 13... that interesting, one for each of us...'

She sent a mental note to Dash, who seemed more excited than anything else.

She worried about him at times and thought that he shouldn't have been involved in something so dangerous at such a young age, but every person there had a story and apparently - so she heard from Ash - his story had happened at a very young age unfortunately.

'Don't worry about Dash. He could always look after himself, since before he went through the serum change.
His tougher than he looks.'

Came a gentle voice in her head. She looked over at Ash, who nodded her encouragement, never-the-less she sent a message to Dash to be careful; he was like her little brother, and she couldn't bear to lose him.

She shook her head and focused on the arena. It was oddly surprising that the arena was so silent while her head screamed and yelled that something was really wrong. It nauseated her.


Dwayne and his friends sat very still and watched with terror as they were previously shown the type of creatures Raphael and her team would be fighting. It wasn't the creatures that scared them, but the new creatures - the finale - that the General had explained was made as a special surprise for Raphael. They feared it was one that would break her.

Dwayne took a deep breath and looked at his friend worriedly as they entered the arena; he knew exactly what this would do to her with or without the changes. They had taken away everything she had left, and that would kill her.


Raphael took a deep breath and looked up at her best friend. Something was really wrong. She could see it in his eyes. So, she kept her guard up at all times.

The General had something up his sleeve - she knew he did. It was who he was...


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