Chapter 27

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Dwayne sat on his phone listening to music while going through his pictures. He smiled and waited for the intercom to announce the time for their departure.
After a long painful month of force and persuasion, the headmaster had finally arranged the necessary flights for the "surprise" visit to the General's base that wasn't as secretive as they would have liked.
They were impressed by the kind of connections their headmaster and homeroom teacher had around the world that helped in preparing everything. He had informed the matrics a week ago, that they would be leaving today and must be ready by the time the intercom buzzed.
He sat watching Tannah cringe at the sight of Jeydon and Victoria's constant kissing; they seemed happier than anyone would have guessed.

'Why are you here?
No one likes either of you, so why are you here?'


"Whaaaat! C'mon, we're not that bad." stated Victoria flatly as she feigned innocence.

"Yeah, you're right. You are MUCH worse!" added Ntsakela who looked as if she could stab Victoria with the bread knife she was using to make a quick snack.

"I hope we don't have to share a room with the two of you at wherever the hell Steph is!" said Tannah now very irritated.


'Can all the matrics please make their way to the busses? All bags have been loaded and the busses are ready to leave, thank you.'

"FINALLY, let's go! I can't watch that shit anymore." exclaimed Dwayne already out the door.

They all rushed onto the nearest empty bus; their group already filling most of the seats on the first bus, forcing the other matrics either into the back of their bus or onto the other the bus.
Dwayne slumped into the seat next to the window, closed his eyes and fell asleep while the bus roared to life taking them to the airport.
He woke up to Tannah's screaming and gave her a death glare.

'Why the hell are you always screaming?'

He looked over to where she was pointing, without much enthusiasm and saw the aeroplane that had been arranged for them.
It was big, black and ready for take-off.

'Wow, we must be getting the presidential treatment. Steph should have joined the army a long time ago!'

On the plane, people moved about restlessly; the eagerness to get going to wherever the army was based, ran high.
The grade 12 teachers occupied first class while the rest of the students filled up second and third class; which wasn't as bad as they would have expected it to be. Rather much like first class itself except for there being no alcohol allowed for them - at all.

Dwayne's group took up most of second-class. He enjoyed the view of everyone they didn't like struggling. He looked over at Taylor who pushed up his glasses and shrugged. They had no desire to help at this current point in time.
The plane took three hours to get to their destination; the pilots deciding on the quickest route instead of the scenic route as was instructed by the General; apparently.
They arrived sooner than expected and got off, excited and confused. They looked around the area - scorching hot and thirsty. They were at a coastal airport that was surrounded by nothing but... dessert? 
Their relief at arriving was short-lived. They still had to take a boat to the actual base which was situated where planes could not land. Or so they were told.
This was only their first stop. They were told that it would take them at least another day or two to get to the base which left everyone feeling more frustrated than they already were. Each person was forced to share a room despite the boat being massive and very expensive looking. They walked on one by one and chose the room they wanted reluctantly...

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