Chapter 26

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Stephanie stretched out all her tired limbs and walked around the lab trying to get the pins-and-needles feeling out of her legs. She was itching to try out her new ‘transformations’ just as much as the General and Doctor were - more so actually, but first she had to go through certain procedures and check-ups to make sure nothing went wrong. Apparently this was mandatory.

She stood up and admired her new self in the mirror. She looked more like something out of the books she loved to read; and she liked it. She felt different. More confident and stronger than ever. Her body was already used to some of the changes and she could feel she needed to get used to the others - whatever those were. She wanted - no needed - to get out of the lab to train... and something else but she couldn’t put her finger on it... she just wanted out.

The Doctor took notes and pictures of all the physical changes that could easily be seen. He asked her questions and she answered them truthfully; there was no reason for her to lie; she had no desire to lie. Strange.
He was impressed and excited to test all her new abilities she had; especially the ones they weren't able to see; which he was sure that she had.
She was different from the others.


The General loved the idea of her on the field and listened attentively to the answers she gave.

“Do you feel different?”


“Do you know what is different about yourself?”


“Can you tell me in detail what is different?”

“The obvious change is my wings, though I cannot fully control them as yet; I didn’t expect them to be so... big. My eye colour has changed fully. My eye sight is better too, so is my hearing. I feel very energized and ready.”

“Feel ready for what?”

“To do what I am supposed to do – what I am meant to do. I'm not entirely sure about that part.”

“Okay. That’s good but first we must test your skills and see to what extent you have been... changed.”

“When do we start?”

“Tomorrow.” chided the General happily before the Dr could say anything... unnecessary.

They walked out of the lab and Stephanie could feel all the other’s eyes on her. She looked at the team and felt the energy they all had; the kind of energy they all shared.

She noticed that Ripper and Oblivion stood side by side and watched her very carefully.

“Can you hear what they are thinking?” asked the doctor curiously.

She took a deep breath. She didn't want to answer that but it came our of her as if is forced its own way out.


“I see. Do you know why you cannot hear their thoughts?”

“I think so... Yes. We can... communicate through our thoughts if we want to, but we can' hear thoughts of our own kind."

“How do you know that?”

“It's a feeling.”

The Dr nodded his head and looked very impressed as  they walked on, passing the training arena and towards the killing arena.


She stood in the middle as the gate locked behind her.

Once again, the General and the team sat in the audiences’ seats and watched very attentively along with the Dr who had kept a note pad in his hands and a pen at the ready. The gates opened once again to release the men expected to come out; except this time only two bulky creatures walked out.

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