A Year Of Absolute Bullshit

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The very next day after Christmas, Emilia and Clint packed their bags and made the drive from Forks to the little town known as Mystic Falls, Virginia. 

From the moment they stepped out of the Impala, Elena and Jeremy craved their attention. Even though it was their first time meeting Clint, they didn't hesitate to show him anything and everything they got for Christmas. 

The children had only calmed down once Miranda ushered them to the kitchen, where their lunch had been abandoned when the familiar car pulled up out front. 
Once Emilia and Clint had gotten in the house, Miranda immediately began pushing them up the stairs while saying: "You've been driving all day, go to bed and we'll wake you up for dinner." 

She gave them the most motherly glare she could muster, and sent them off like they were children. 

They stayed with the Gilbert's for the rest of 2005, Emilia making the late night drive back to their apartment once the kids had been put to bed at fifteen after midnight. 

They'd clocked into work the next morning with just five minutes before they would be considered late. It was because of their near lateness, that Fury stationed them in New York for the Parade as security detail and extra help for the NYPD. 

In later January, Bella almost fell back into her depression when Jake stopped calling. Leah was her only support aside from Charlie and herself, who was all the way across the country.

Leah wouldn't let Bella fall, so they began spending more time together. 

In February, Bella announced to Emilia that she was bisexual as well— and in a relationship with Leah, to test the waters.
Fury sent Emilia and Clint on a mission in Denmark; they returned to the states with minor injuries.

In March, Clint and Emilia were sent on separate solo missions.
Emilia's lasted a week while Clint's took nearly a month. 

In April, Emilia obtained level 6 clearance. Her and Clint spent Easter with the Gilbert's since they were the closest. 
Emilia got a call from Alice and refused to answer it.
Harry Clearwater unexpectedly passed from a heart condition in late April; Emilia was unable to attend the funeral but sent her condolences to the grieving family.
Leah shifted and imprinted on Bella. Their relationship got more serious.

In May, Emilia went on a date with a 5 clearance co-worker. It didn't work out. 
Clint bullied her because of it for like a week before he let it go. 
Emilia took her semester finals.

In June, Alice and Edward arrived at the Swan residence, only to have Bella turn them away (reluctantly).
Emilia turned nineteen.
Emilia and Clint attended Bella's High School graduation and celebratory dinner, half in uniform.
They took pictures like they did at Emilia's. 
Renée wasn't there and Bella wouldn't admit it, but she took it personally. 
Emilia essentially chewed her a new one and told her to make it up to her daughter. 

In July, Emilia took her vacation time for that month and used it to take herself, Leah, Bella, and Clint to the Florida Keys for fourteen days.
Leah, being the newfound lesbian that she was (truly a queen), proposed to Bella on the beach. Despite them only being in a relationship for five months, it was inevitable, so Bella said yes.

In August, Emilia almost died. But she lived.

In September, Bella turned nineteen and wedding planning officially began. 
Clint got locked out of their apartment while Emilia was in the shower.

For the remaining months of the year, Clint and Emilia were on the hunt for a woman who was excellent at covering her tracks. 

With nearly three months of no leads, Fury flew them back to the states so they could recuperate.

With nearly three months of no leads, Fury flew them back to the states so they could recuperate

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