That New Italian Place Up The Street

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"Why does that dress look so familiar?" Clint questioned once they'd already been seated at their table for several minutes.
"Uh, I wore it once when we went to Denmark last year. They said I could keep it." Emilia responded, casually looking at her menu. 

"Really? They didn't let me keep my suit. . . Did they really say you could keep it?" 

Emilia shrugged. "They didn't check my bags, so I kept it. Their fault, really. Enough about the dress, what do you think you're gonna get?" She asked, picking up her ice water with a lemon slice in it and taking a sip.

Ah, city water with a hint of lemon. . . And a seed, which she placed on the napkin that sat under her glass.

"Probably spaghetti. It's a safe option." Clint mumbled, looking at his menu closely. "You?" He glanced up at her.
"I knew what I was getting before we even set foot through the door." She admitted. 

"What? How?" 

"Anxiety and Ray from down the hall said the lasagna was to die for, so I'm getting it." Emilia said and he groaned quietly. 

"You know you're mildly lactose intolerant—"

"Only with certain things!" She hissed across the table. 

"You downed a whole pint of ice cream on new years." He pointed out. 
"And I regretted it within the hour, but in my defense it was Ben and Jerrys Cherry Garcia, okay? I'd do that shit again with zero hesitation."

"You know why? You have no learning curve. Like none. Zero. Zilch. Nada." Emilia rolled her eyes. 

"Okay, yeah I get it. I'm an educated idiot who doesn't listen to my own body when it says it doesn't like something."

"At least you're self-aware."

Within minutes of Clint's final statement, they ordered their meals and the waitress walked off. Minutes passed, they didn't know how long it had been when their food arrived. 

Emilia moaned as she took the first bite of her lasagna. Would definitely be worth it. 

Halfway through the meal, Clint's phone went off and he answered it quickly. "Yes sir? . . . Soon. . . We'll be ready, sir." The call ended and he hurriedly motioned for her to hurry up. "Eat. Fury's gonna be here in 15. We got a strong lead on our invisible woman."

"Really?" She questioned, shoveling food into her mouth as fast as she could without choking. 

"Yeah, says he'll explain when he gets here."


They paid and exited the restaurant just in time for the black government vehicle with dark tinted windows to pull up at the curb. 
Coulson slid the door open and beckoned them to hurry. Clint jumped in while Emilia took her heels off and threw them somewhere in the back. 

She climbed in and the door slammed closed as the vehicle shot forward. 
Coulson handed Emilia her uniform and the guys respectfully turned away so she could change. "So, even on our day off, we have to come in for work?" She questioned as she zipped up the front of her official S.H.I.E.L.D. uniform. 

"You knew it was a possibility when you agreed to work for S.H.I.E.L.D. ." Fury said from the driver's seat. 

"I know, I just kinda figured I'd be able to eat dinner with my best friend without work showing up uninvited."

"We wouldn't have called you in if it weren't important." Coulson said, handing Emilia her combat boots and the guns that he had gotten her for Christmas. 

"Fury said there was a lead. Where's that taking us?" Clint asked as he adjusted his arrow heads. 

Emilia took the empty spot beside him and laced up her boots while Coulson looked through files. 

"It takes you back to where you were last. It could take a while, but the mission is still the same. She's not on our side and she's dangerous. Until the threat is eliminated, we're all in danger."

"With the right motivation, anyone can be dangerous. We know nothing about her except what the files say. If she becomes an immediate threat to either of us on this mission, she'll be dealt with accordingly, but don't expect us to kill her just because she's not on our side." Yet.

“Do what you have to do.” Coulson said. 


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