Living Arrangements

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After a two day drive across the country, Emilia was about ready to strangle the agent — which she had learned was Agent Lewis — and vice versa. 

He was a pain in the ass the entire drive, not wanting to stop so she could use the bathroom. She purposely played music so loud he could hear it from the backseat. 

After a long and petty ride, Emilia was glad to be out of the car.
Agent Lewis was glad to have her out of the car.

Agent Romero — who arrived shortly after them — and Lewis helped get Emilia's things up to the third story of the apartment building before ultimately ditching her.

"Miss Parker, I think you'll find the apartment to be more than sufficient, however you will have a roommate." Fury said, standing in front of the door that read B27, with 2 sets of keys in his hands. 

"Why wasn't I informed of this sooner?" Emilia questioned. 

"It wasn't decided until a few hours ago. Speaking of your roommate, there he is now."

A man with darker blonde hair and blue eyes came to a stop beside Emilia and he looked as confused as she did. 
He only carried a backpack, as opposed to Emilia's two suitcases, purse, backpack, duffel bag, and a bag of snacks that she insisted on getting from the Sheetz in Bristow. 

"Emilia this is Clint, Clint this is Emilia. I'll only explain this once: you're both adults, you will be working together, potentially as partners if you work well together, you'll be living together, therefore you have to get along. 
There's two bedrooms and one bathroom. For the love of God, respect each other's spaces. 
Most importantly, do not under any circumstances tell anyone this address. Unless you're ordering something, then use a name that isn't your own. This building is full of trainees like Miss Parker, feel free to interact with them." Fury handed both of them a set of keys. 

"Rest today, you both need to be in D.C. by 8 am tomorrow." He said before walking away. 

Emilia stood stunned for a moment before stepping forward to unlock the door. 
"If you want the larger room, you can have it." Emilia said as the door swung open to reveal their living room on the left and their kitchen to the right. 

"You have more than I do, so you can take it." Clint responded. They'd at least try to get the living arrangements to work.

The beginnings of early morning light filtered into the room through the sliding glass door. They entered the shared apartment and went off to separate rooms, though they were right next door. 

Emilia put away clothes in the dresser and a closet while anything witch related went into the other closet on shelves. Someone would have to be looking hard for her grimoires to find them. 

On the other hand, Clint wanted a shower. Unpacking could wait. 

He went into the bathroom only to see the only shampoo and conditioner in there were the small bottles they had at hotels, and the soap was sketchy. At least there were a few towels. 

Clint meandered across the hall to Emilia's room to knock on the open door. 
"Hey, you have soap of any kind I can borrow?" He questioned.

Without questioning anything, Emilia unzipped the duffel bag and pulled out a shampoo, conditioner, body wash, and a fresh bar of soap. 

"I uh, didn't know what was gonna be here, so I brought what I bought about a month ago." Emilia said. 

"It'll work until we can go shopping. Thanks."

"No problem.”


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