Cue The Bomb Dropping

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The six weeks that the Gilbert children ended up spending in Forks went by fast. 
They had movie nights twice a week.
Emilia took advantage of her changed hours to take them to the beach a few more times and go to Port Angeles. 

They got professional photos done like they had done every summer since the kids could remember. They never turned out perfect, but they looked good enough to go on the wall with the other eleven pictures.

The kids fought when it was time to leave. They enjoyed it in Forks. After the one hot day, it was in the 60's or 70's the rest of the time. I

It was comfortable, not to mention something fun always happened when Emilia was off work. 

She would miss the kids, but she wouldn't miss the mess or the lack of privacy. 
She had to hide the grimoires and anything magical for their entire stay, because it was dangerous if they found it. And boy, were they nosey. 

Emilia got everything back in their original places, a few hours after their departure. She had a week to get into the school mindset with it being her senior year.

It would be a good one. 10 months and she wouldn't have to step foot in Forks High School for her education again.










Emilia's blue highlighter streaked across the page of review for French class. She'd taken the class since freshman year and had gathered enough knowledge to successfully hold a conversation without messing up. 

She wasn't fluent by any means, but she was good enough. 

Just as she flipped the page of the packet, the landline downstairs began to ring. Emilia listened to it going off for a few more seconds before getting up and going downstairs.

"You've reached the Swan residence, this is Emilia." She answered the phone. She cringed at how old she probably sounded. 
"Hey Emilia, is Charlie around?" The familiar voice of Renée asked over the phone. 
"No he's at work, unfortunately. I can take a message?"

"Oh, sure. I'm going to be traveling with Phil and Bella's decided that she wants to stay with her dad for a while."

"Wow. Yeah, I'll talk to him and one of us will give you a call back later. Is the house number the same still?" Emilia questioned. 

"It is. Great talking with you, let me know what's going on."

"Mhm, I will. Bye."
"Bye bye Em."


After Renée dropped the Bella bomb, Emilia couldn't focus on school work or anything else. At least she had all of Christmas break to do the work and it was only the first day.

The teenager laid in her bed and stared up at the ceiling as her music played throughout the bedroom.
As the Playlist got softer, Emilia's eyes became heavier, until everything went dark.

When Emilia woke again, her room was silent and it was dark outside. The only light in the room was a soft yellow glow from the night light she'd had since she was a baby.

Emilia sat up and rubbed her face, before swinging her legs over the side of the bed and looking at the clock. It read 2:32 am.
She groaned lightly as she stood. The bathroom was a short walk away and she noticed the lights were on downstairs. The TV was even playing on low volume.

That typically meant Charlie was home from work. No doubt watching TV with his tonsils instead of his eyes. 

After Emilia used the bathroom and showered quickly, she went down the stairs, avoiding the creaky steps on the way.

Sure enough, Charlie was passed out in front of the TV. Emilia slipped into the kitchen to grab something to eat, only to notice that Charlie had brought her food and it was in the fridge with her name on it. 

She took the takeout box and poured the contents onto a plate before shoving it in the microwave to be warmed up.

Emilia couldn't begin to express how much she truly appreciated her uncle Charlie. He was the reason she was still alive with all of her limbs. 

I've been trying to feed y'all with updates since I can't abandon this story now. I'm in too deep.

—A. Barnes


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