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Most of the summer had gone by and she was getting stronger as a witch. Sheila pointed out that Emilia was a fast learner, making the brunette feel proud of herself. 

The Parker witch had learned nearly everything she could from the Bennett witch, everything else she'd have to learn from her mothers grimoires, if she could find them without being overly suspicious.

She was thinking of ways she could get into Bella's old room to look through the boxes, when Charlie called her. She answered the call. "Hey Charlie!" She greeted her uncle. 

"Hey Em, I gotta ask you a couple questions."

"Okay, fire away." Emilia said, making sure Jeremy was still in her line of sight at the park. 

"When are you coming home? And can you call Mike, so he'll stop coming by the house to see if you're back yet?"

"Well, school starts in two weeks, it takes about a week or so to get used to the different time zones again, and I have friends I haven't seen all summer. I could've left today but I promised Jeremy I'd take him to the park, so I'm set to leave tomorrow night after he goes to bed. . . I'll call Mike when I get back to the house."

"So you'll be back sometime in the next seventy-two hours?" Charlie asked for clarification. 

"Yes, sometime in the next seventy-two hours. . . I'll call you to let you know my estimated landing time in Seattle. . ." 

On Charlie's end in the background he hears multiple younger voices telling Emilia that they're tired and hungry. Then came a sigh from the teenager.

"Okay. . . Charlie like I said, I'll call to let you know. But I gotta go feed these munchkins before they start acting up." 
Charlie chuckled, understanding what she meant.
"Go feed them. Love you Emmy."

"Love you too uncle Charlie." Emilia hung up the phone and turned to the group of kids she was left 'babysitting'. Jeremy. Elena. Tyler. Caroline. Bonnie. The teen loaded the five kids into the rental car and took them to the grill where she let them get whatever they wanted (within reason). 

At least she was getting paid by Tyler's parents for watching him while they were busy preparing some charity gala. 


The next evening after Tyler, Caroline, and Bonnie were taken to their individual homes, she sat in the Gilbert's spare room with the door closed, staring in the large mirror. 
One of her suitcases was packed completely while the other was almost there. It was almost time for her to leave. 

The brunette ran a hand through her hair, a few red streaks becoming visible. She smiled remembering the day she let Vicki dye small sections of her hair.


Emilia walked out of the store with Vicki and Matt. She decided to have their own 4th of July party, with just the three of them since everyone else would be celebrating in town Square.

They'd bought hotdogs, buns, condiments, chips, and fries for dinner. Then for fun, she let the kids pick out any five things they wanted from the store. Vicki just so happened to have chosen hair color in 5 different colors, while Matt chose candy and toys.

Many hours later they had eaten, and Emilia was looking at the hair coloring. Four boxes were dyes that washed out within a week and the last box was semi-permanent.
Vicki wanted all the colors except red, which was the semi-permanent one. So by the end of the night, both girls had dyed hair. Even Matt had a little patch of green in his hair. There was blue, green, purple, and hot pink.

End of Flashback-

Emilia came back from the fond memory, just fifteen minutes before she had to go. She just threw her clothes in the suitcase and zipped it up, not forgetting her book bag or phone. She was out the door after saying final goodbyes, with four minutes to spare.

Some part of her felt hurt leaving Jeremy and Elena behind, but she had been there all summer. 


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