He's A Tool

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A/N- HAPPY NEW YEAR MY LOVELIES!!! Here's to a better year than what last year was <3

For Bella's first day at the school, they drove separately just so Bella had a reason to drive the truck Charlie bought off of Billy. 
Biology rolled around, Emilia and Bella somehow managed to find each other in the sea of students, and walked to Biology II where they both had Mr. Molina, the replacement. 

He didn't teach like Dr. Banner did, but he was a good enough teacher in Emilia's mind. When they walked in, she mentally lectured Edward. 

He occasionally shot the teenager a glare whenever she thought something he didn't particularly agree with.


Emilia walked through the cafeteria doors with Edward, since she had stayed to mentally and silently yell at him. Her eyes briefly scan over the table of people she used to call friends, before meeting Bella's eyes. Shaking her head, she sat down with her back towards the other group. 

"Everything okay, little bear?" Emmett asked. 

She smiled at the nickname and nodded. 
"Yeah. Just, it's Bella. She's with them and I can't really tell her not to be friends with them, I'm not her keeper." Emilia responded, picking at the fries in front of her and occasionally eating one.

"As mature of a stance that is, you have to warn someone when needed, which now you should warn Bella. In case you haven't noticed, the only decent one in the group was Angela and even she won't speak to you, all over something so stupid."

Emilia sighed, feeling frustrated. "I noticed, Rose, but They're not my problem anymore." Jasper sent her calm emotions and she smiled in thanks. 

"I've not spoken to them in almost a year. I have no desire to."

"He's a tool and they weren't real friends if they couldn't listen to both sides." Emmett concluded. Edward's head snapped up in the direction of the table behind Emilia. "They're telling her, aren't they?"

"Fine, let them." she mumbled.


Completed homework sat in a pile on the painted white desk, the door was locked, and the curtains were closed. 
Emilia had found out that with a specific element in mind and the right intention, she could make little figures or images appear in the air. So that's what she was practicing. 

Air didn't necessarily work, so she moved to the fire aspect.

A little fire bunny danced through the air, almost reminding her of a fiery patronus. The small animal did anything she willed it to do, never once leaving a scorch mark where it sat.

A knock on the door frightened Emilia, making the fire bunny disappear. She got up and unlocked the door, opening it slightly only to see Bella. "Hey Bells, what's up?"

The younger brunette pulled her cousin into a hug, surprising the older girl. Emilia accepted it and fought the urge to cry. Nobody had hugged her like that since she was younger, and she really needed it. 

"I heard what happened with you and Mike. . . Jessica told me, and I think she left out some details." Bella said quietly, pulling away from the hug. 

"I'm sure she did. Jessica's the judgemental gossip queen of Forks High School, so of course she'd do anything to make her friends look like the good guys. Did she tell you the real reason Mike and I broke up?"

"She said you were never around, so he broke up with you. Everyone backed up the statement including Mike." 
Emilia couldn't help but laugh. "That's all sorts of false advertising. You wanna know the real reason?"

Then Emilia explained everything that happened leading up to her leaving him. 
Mike noticing the tattoos, the hair dye, the arguments about both, the toxicity, and him telling their problems to all his friends. 

It wasn't all bad, she didn't forget to add some good parts, like the movies and the aquarium. 

"Wow. I'm sorry." Bella said sincerely. 

"It is what it is, Bells. Can't do shit about it. Can't change the past."


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