The New Kids

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Sophomore Year— (Same grade as Emmett, Rosalie,  and Jasper. Yes, most classes are mixed grades for reasons.)

Emilia's hazel eyes scanned the pages of the book as her brunette hair blew gently under the office air vent. 80's rock music quietly spilled from her headphones into her ears. 

She was supposed to be giving this new family a tour of the school since they were... well, new. They were either in 

Her being excited was an understatement. Not only was she excused from a couple of her classes, but she also had an opportunity to make new friends since her other ones often forgot about her unless they were at odds with each other.

From the corner of her eye, she saw the office door open and 5 people walk in. Emilia looked up completely, assuming these were the new students. She turned her music off and marked her place in 'The Outsiders' and put it in her bag.

As she suspected, they were signed in as the Cullen's and Hale's. "Miss Parker will be giving you a tour of the school, since the maps can be confusing sometimes. She will be willing to answer any questions you may have and after the tour she will take you all to your third period classes." 

The lady at the desk handed them each their schedules and a slip of paper to have signed by their teachers and turned in by the next day at lunch, only because of the time they got there.

Emilia stood from her seat and plastered a welcoming smile on her face. "As Mrs. Snow said, I'll be willing to answer any questions you may have, it doesn't matter.. My name is Emilia Parker, but if you'd rather take a formal approach, that's up to you, I don't mind at all. . . with that being said, please follow me."

Emilia led the family through another set of doors, into the mostly empty hallway. Throughout the tour, she mentioned the better areas of the school, then the not so good areas, extra curriculars, the library, the cafeteria, the gym. 

She managed to have them at empty parts of the school during a class change so they wouldn't be bombarded immediately.

It was the little things. 

As the tour came to an end, she brought them back to the main building where some of their 3rd period classes all were. The bell had rung for the beginning of the period just a couple minutes before, so she was on time with finishing the tour. First she dropped off Emmett at Gym, then Rosalie and Jasper in History, Alice in Art, then lastly bringing herself and Edward to Biology.

"Just a word of advice, Dr. Banner doesn't like his lessons being interrupted, so he doesn't start until after the late bell rings." Emilia said.

She opened the door, entering first and assumed that Edward followed her in. The family didn't say much to her during the tour but she chalked it up to shyness or first day jitters. Though Emmett and Alice didn't mind talking to her as much, which she appreciated greatly.

"Dr. Banner, this is Edward Cullen. He's one of your new students." Emilia said before going and sitting by her boyfriend, Mike Newton.

"Well Mr. Cullen, I'm happy to have you here. Please find an empty seat until I can rearrange the seating chart.." Meaning, until Emilia arranged a new seating chart. Edward sat down in a seat by the window. "Now today, we'll be starting on. . ."

He grabbed her hand under the table and smiled at her. 
“Good to see you again, beautiful.” Mike whispered.

Emilia blushed, removing his hand from hers, so that she could write down notes. “Focus, I'm not doing your homework again.”


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