The Breakup

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After that day in the parking lot, Emilia's and Mike's relationship was rocky. 

They constantly fought and finally the brunette teenager snapped one day. 

'I don't care what you think I should do with my body, it's MINE! Y'know what? I now pronounce you dumped and single. You may now kiss my ass.' Were her exact words which ended the relationship after a year. 

While Emilia was the one to end the relationship, it hit her the hardest. He loved her, and some part of her definitely loved him too, but she couldn't take it anymore. He was becoming more and more toxic each time they argued. 

Charlie was almost giddy when they broke up. He was upset to see his niece sad, but excited to know he didn't have to worry about any more boys — or girls — for a while. 

As a distraction from the unfamiliar pain in her heart, Emilia threw herself into magic and sent in college applications early. 

She found her mothers grimoires, then spent all her free time studying them. Some of the spells were complex, some were easy enough, and others she had no problem with.

Winter slowly faded into spring, which then faded into summer. 

The red dye had mostly faded and her roots were back to her natural color. It was the third day of summer vacation when Emilia stood from her desk and grabbed a cardboard box from the closet. 

She packed up everything Mike had given her or left in her room. Jerseys, shirts, hoodies, jewelry, hats. It all went in the box. Then Emilia let Charlie know she was leaving the house. 

She dropped the box of stuff in her passenger seat and pulled out of the driveway, making the 10 minute drive to Mike's house. Emilia sighed in relief when she realized his truck wasn't there. Good. She wouldn't have to deal with him. 

Emilia dropped the box on his porch, leaving the promise ring on top. Just as the rain began to pick up, she ran to her car and got in. 


The diner was a safe spot for Emilia. It was a place she could go to escape, even if it was only for an hour or so. 
Here she sat at her regular table, applying for a summer job. Due to the inheritance from her mother, she didn't necessarily need a job at the moment, however it wouldn't last her forever. 

This would be the first summer she wouldn't be going to Mystic falls. Emilia called Miranda in advance to let her know. Of course the woman understood, knowing this next year was a big step in her life. She'd be starting her senior year of Highschool and then she'd be going off to college. 

Wherever that may be.

While the Gilbert children were happy for her, they weren't exactly pleased Emilia wouldn't be there to take them out for ice cream at 10 pm because she agreed it would be a good idea. She was a sister to them and it sucked not having her around. 

It was the beginning of tourist season, meaning Cora needed all the extra help she could get. As soon as Emilia finished filling in the last bit of the job application, she got up and handed it to the woman.

Cora looked over it and smiled at the teenager. "When can you start?" She asked. 
"Whenever you need me to." Emilia replied honestly. Any reason to keep her from moping around the house, was a good one.

"Since we're low on hands, you can start tomorrow if you're available." Cora said. The teenager nodded with a smile.
"I'm definitely available." She responded. 
"Great, be here at 7 am and we'll get you started."


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