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After Clint and Emilia had showered separately, they fell asleep. 

Clint got a good four hours of sleep and Emilia got closer to six. 
It was noon when her hazel eyes cracked open and found themselves scanning the room. 
It dawned on her after a few minutes that she was in the apartment and she still had shit to do.

Pulling herself from the bed, Emilia pulled on a pair of her pj pants and opened her door, trudging across the hall to the empty bathroom.

She washed her face and brushed her hair after using the bathroom. Emilia still looked dead as she unlocked the door.
"Coffee?" Clint asked upon seeing her. 
"Please." Emilia responded, taking a seat at the small table in the dining area.

"You look like shit." He pointed out, grabbing the only other mug from the cabinet. 

"Gee thanks, you sure know how to flatter a lady."

"I definitely try. Sugar? Cream?"
"Both. . . Please. I'm going to Walmart in a while, so I need enough of this to handle people." Emilia said, nodding in thanks as Clint set the mug down in front of her. 

She picked it up and took a sip, moaning at the taste. It was strong, yet it was light and sweet."Oh I needed that." She mumbled. 
"Fury said to rest today."
"You can rest if you really want to, but I'm going shopping because we can't survive on a bag of combos, chips, and a can of Dr Pepper."

"I'll go too." Clint said. 
"Glad that's settled. We're going after I finish my coffee."

"I'll go get dressed then." He responded. 

Emilia took a look at his outfit which was nearly identical to hers, in the sense that they both wore gray shirts and pajama bottoms.

"What you're wearing is fine, it's not a fashion show."


Clint trailed behind Emilia as she pushed the cart down different aisles of the closest Walmart. "Ramen?" He questioned grabbing two different boxes, one being chicken and the other being beef.

"In the cart." She responded, scanning the shelves for anything else while Clint put the boxes of noodles in the cart. 

"What else could we need to get?" He asked. 

"Soups, bread, deli meat — simple stuff that could be used on short notice. Toilet paper, shower stuff, towels, kitchen stuff." They wandered the aisles, placing stuff in the cart as they needed it. 

"This one is five cents cheaper and does the job just as well."
"It might, but I swear this is worth the extra five cents. That one looks thin and like using it three plus times a day would hurt my ass."

"I don't need to know about your ass." Clint groaned.

"I'm just saying! Let's just get this, and if you don't like it, then we'll get the one you want."

"Fine. You wanna go to Waffle House after this?"

"Oh for sure."


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