"Get up."

"No!! Get away from me stupid fucking-"

She covered my mouth and I whimpered. I'm about to bite the shit out of her. I groaned as she mushed me back and sat on my stomach like i'm sooooo big. This is hurting me more than anything.

"What's yo plans?"

I started biting her hand and she didn't even budge. Just looked at me like what I was doing was pointless.

"Get the fuck off me!" I yelled through her fingers before she moved it. I'm mad now so she just need to leave me alone before I say something she won't like. Fucking jailbird. "Beyoncé get off me. Deadass."

"Calm yo lil ass down before I dunk you on yo head."

"Bitch, i'm not even playing."

"What you just call me?"

"A bitch. Move."

"Bet. Erica step out real quick."

"She don't gotta go nowhere. You get off me and get the fuck out."

She got off of me and I got off the floor waiting for her to get out. I don't even wanna see her damn face no more. We're about to leave her ass.

"Come on Erica."

"I asked her to step out."

"I don't care what you asked."

"I'm stepping out." Erica stood from the bed and left out. She really isn't shit. They be acting like she's gonna do something to them. Yea she killed people but whatever.

"Come here."

"Leave me alone." I sat on my bed. She always think she somebody momma. My own mother does enough, she need to chill. Already gotta watch me all day, I need a break.

"If I come to you....."

I got up. Don't nobody have time for her. She grabbed under my face and I stumbled forward a bit. That was kind of aggressive. I just looked at her with a pout and she pecked my lips.

"That's what you want?"

"Another one."

"Apologize first."

"Why? You hit me BB."

"You know why I hit you. Come on now."

"Yea but you could've did what you always do and just pick me up or something. You hurt me."

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you like that, princess."

"It's okay. Another one." I puckered my lips and she pecked them again, still holding my face. We went from pecking to really kissing. She was being so passionate and soft with it.

"Stop talking about fucking people."

"You won't do it." I rolled my eyes and she tightened her grip on my face. Her excuse is that i'm barely even 18. It's been a good amount of time in my eyes. "I'm supposed to stay deprived until you're ready to stick ya little thing in me?"

"I mean....we don't have to rush."

"I'm not rushing, don't think like that. I'm just a horny person, I can wait if that's what you wanna do....Plus we aren't even together so I shouldn't even be looking for that from you."

She let go to that and gave me a straight face. It's true. I'm not having sex with her until we're together anyways. When I say i'm gonna mess with someone at these parties, it's not sex. I can get ate out, it's simple and something that these dudes will do to any fine bitch.

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