Losing a Friend

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"Gonner it's me Dixie and Alexis. I'm sorry about what happened. I needed to make stuff up so they'd believe me and so we could rescue you. Oh no!" Dixie says as she cuts the lock on the door before opening the door.

"What's wrong?" Alexis asks as she quickly comes over.

"He's gone." Dixie says as Alexis looks in the shed sadly.

"Gonner. Oh no please no." Alexis says.

"I'm so sorry Alexis." Dixie says sadly.

"I'm sorry Dixie but I just don't know if can be near you at the moment." Alexis says as she steps away from Dixie.

"What do you mean?" Dixie asks.

"Dixie if you had just been honest with those other mortals even if it did cost you people who clearly were not friends than Gonner wouldn't of fled like this. Who knows where he is or what's happened to him." Alexis says sadly.

"Alexis i had to lie to them otherwise they would of looked at me like I was a monster." Dixie says as Alexis looks at her.

"Than Dixie those people were not your friends. Real friends don't care who or what you are. They care about you for you. I thought you already knew that but apparently not. Look I'm going back to the cemetery. Isis and I will come get you later for the fourth element. I just wanna get the Azoth fixed and find Gonner so we can fix what's happened. Then we can stay separated like you wanted. You can be with mortals and we can be with zombies." Alexis says as she runs off leaving Dixie to look at her guilty.


Later the next night as Alexis is getting back from searching for Gonner with no luck she soon finds Isis walking towards her clearly angry.

"Isis I thought you were going to get Dixie? Where is she?" Alexis asks as she goes over to Isis.

"I was but she won't come with us. She thinks Nebulosa may really have turned over a new leaf. Well if she won't help then I'll get the last element on my own." Isis says angrily.

"Isis just stay put for now. I'll go get her and then we'll look together." Alexis says as she runs off leaving Isis alone.


"Ah! What are you doing in here." Dixie says as she opens her eyes to see Alexis staring at her.

"Isis told me what happened. Dixie have you lost your mind!? What is wrong with you?" Alexis asks angrily.

"Alexis maybe it's time we let this go. Someone will get hurt if we keep going." Dixie says as Alexis shakes her head.

"Yea and so will all the other zombies. We can't just give up." Alexis says.

"Alexis why even bother?" Dixie asks as she looks at Alexis.

"Because if I lose Gonner for this I will never forgive myself on giving up." Alexis says.

"Wait a second shouldn't Isis be with you?" Dixie asks not seeing Isis in the room.

"I told her to stay at the cemetery after she came back angry and wanting to search for the element alone." Alexis says.

"Wait you don't think she would go on her own do you?" Dixie asks.

"She would." Alexis says worriedly.

"Oh no." Dixie says as she quickly gets out of bed.


"Hurry Dixie." Alexis says as she and Dixie are running to the nymph pond.

"I'm running as fast as I can. I don't have four legs like you do." Dixie says as they arrive to see Peroshka trick Isis and see Isis fall into the water being destroyed by it.

"Isis!" Dixie shouts.

"No!" Alexis shouts as the two run over.

"Bye!" Peroshka shouts before two water nymphs grab Alexis and Dixie and pull them in under the water. Alexis is soon able to get free from the nymph before freeing Dixie while grabbing Isis's hair accessory seeing it in the water as she brings the two of them up to the surface to safety before Dixie then begins crying as Alexis is howling sadly.

"Why did you do it loony girl? What were you thinking?" Dixie asks as she tosses Isis's hair accessory aside.

"Hey Dixie what is that over there?" Alexis asks seeing the accessory hit something.

"The last element! Oh Isis your the bravest, smartest mummy in the world." Dixie says as she picks up the egg.

"Then let's get going. We have all the elements now let's fix the Azoth so Isis's death wasn't in vain." Alexis says.

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