First Element Hunt

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"Get your dirty hook of a hand off me." Isis says as she and Gonner are arguing.

"Will you two knock it off." Alexis says getting annoyed at their bickering.

"What are you doing here?" Dixie asks as she comes over to the three as they're hiding in the bushes.

"We were tired of waiting for you in the cemetery. So we decided to go out and find ye." Gonner says as he smiles while Isis laughs.

"Did anyone see you?" Dixie asks.

"Twas Close. I had to tie this lunatic's bandages to a tree so she wouldn't go after a group of mortals." Gonner says as he gestures to Isis.

"Isis you can't just go around biting people. Imagine the mess." Dixie says angrily.

"Who said anything about biting? Those people were talking about some Halloween party your throwing." Isis says excitedly.

"Great just what I needed." Dixie says annoyedly.

"Oh can I go!? Can I go!?" Isis asks excitedly.

"You definitely have a loose bandage. It's a party for mortals." Dixie says as she gestures to herself.

"But people dress up for Halloween. Nobody would even know were zombies. Maybe I could even win a prize." Isis says as she laughs.

"No no definitely not. First of all there'll only be food for mortals. So what would you guys eat? Rat guts? Dog brains?" Dixie asks as Gonnner licks his lips before Alexis gently smacks him causing him to look at her before realizing Dixie was joking.

"We just wouldn't eat." Isis says.

"Oh and mortals clean themselves and smell good. Zombies reak of death." Dixie says.

"I'd rather die again than take a bath." Gonner says.

"How come your not saying anything Alexis?" Dixie asks as she notices Alexis is being quite.

"I wouldn't mind going to a party but it's the mortals part I want nothing to do with." Alexis says.

"Aww don't you wanna get a chance to dance with your salty sea dog?" Gonner asks as he laughs.

"I enjoy just dancing with you in the moonlight just as much. Far as I'm concerned that's as good as any old party." Alexis says causing Gonner to smile.

"Well at least one of you has common sense about this. Look we shouldn't mix different worlds. Mortals should stick with mortals." Dixie says.

"Zombies with zombies." Isis says disappointingly as Gonner sighs.


"Vitriol was right. This book has volumes of information." Alexis says as she is reading the book while walking with the group.

"That book isn't as interesting as something else I can think of." Gonner says as Alexis looks at him and playfully rolls her eyes.

"Not the time Gonner." Alexis says causing him to laugh.

"Dixie hand me the Azoth!" Isis shouts as she runs over to Dixie.

"Chill out Isis your going to break it." Dixie says as she takes out the Azoth.

"Let me see it. Vitriol says the path lies within the heart." Isis says as she runs into Dixie causing the moonlight to shine through the Azoth and revealing a map on the ground.

"A vast ye the Azoth be a map. See those be the hands of a compass. It's just as vitriol said. The first element be found in the north." Gonner says as he points on the map.

Wolf Zombie Daddy I'm a Zombie Gonner X OC AlexisDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora