The Green-Witch turned and asked angrily, "What are you doing, mud filth?!" Puddleglum held his injured hand. "You dare to touch my fire again and I'll turn the blood to flames within my veins!"

Puddleglum stood and held his injured hand as he said, "Madam, there is one thing to say. Suppose, suppose we have only dreamed and made up these things. Like sun, sky, stars and moon. And Aslan himself. In that case, it seems to me that the made-up things are a good deal better than the real ones. And if this black pit of a kingdom is the best that you can make," he shook his head a little, "then it's a poor world. And we six can make a dream world to lick your real one," his voice dropped to a whisper, "hollow."

The Green-Witch hastily moved to the other side of the room. "How dare you threaten me!"

Puddleglum, Evreux and Marina moved back towards the children and the Marsh-wiggle and Evreux pushed the Queen behind them before the former said, "As for me, I shall live like a Narnian!" He turned, then faced the Green-Witch again. "Even if there isn't any Narnia. So thank you very much for supper. We're going to leave your court at once, and make our way across your great darkness to search for our land above!" He, Marina, Evreux, Jill and Eustace turned away.

"Well said, Puddleglum," Eustace complimented.

Marina glanced back with a cold gaze. "Aslan's vivid dream is much better than an agonisingly evil reality."

The Green-Witch yelled and ran towards them. She turned into a serpent and Rilian and Elissa drew their swords.

Puddleglum drew a weapon while Jill screamed. As Rilian and Elissa attacked the serpent, Marina, Evreux and Eustace stood by Jill and comforted the terrified girl. As much as Marina wanted to fight, Jill needed to be reassured that everything would be all right.

Jill screamed again. Puddleglum moved closer to Rilian and Elissa, who were stabbing the serpent.

At last, the Queen of the Underland was dead.

Rilian turned to address the companions. "Gentlemen, I thank you. Elissa and I are avenged. My mother is avenged. For the serpent that killed my mother, was undoubtedly the Green Lady." He looked down at the serpent's corpse. "To think all this time Elissa and I've been the slave of my mother's murderer." He let out a sigh and turned away from the deceased serpent. "At last she and I are free."

Evreux pulled his son into his arms, both feeling the emotion of being reunited.

Marina hugged her daughter tightly and Elissa hugged back, both with tears in their eyes.

"We're not out of the woods yet," Eustace reminded them.

Puddleglum turned and walked towards the door to put down his weapon as he said, "It won't be easy to escape you know. It won't be easy." Rilian sheathed his sword. "We'll probably be killed in the attempt." A shield of a lion was revealed. Marina and Evreux studied the shield. It was blue with a red lion in the middle, on a white circular background surrounding the lion, rays from a gold sun surrounding the circle. "Ooh."

The Marsh-wiggle looked down as his injured hand was magically healed and let out a breath. "Whoa." He walked up to Rilian, Elissa, Marina and Evreux. "Oh."

"He and I know exactly how to escape this world," Elissa said.

"You know?" Jill asked. "How?"

"We must make for the new outlets being dug for the witch's planned invasion of the Overworld."

"How close are they to breaking through?" Eustace wondered.

"A matter of a few feet of earth!"

"Then with all haste makes, your highnesses," Puddleglum said as he bowed. "Let's away!" He opened the door and the five began running, trying to stay up and in motion despite the rumbling.

One of the Earthmen fell in front of the five.

"What's that?" Eustace asked.

"A noise they make," Rilian replied as Puddleglum walked forward, soon followed by the others. "Elissa and I've never so much heard one raise his voice before." He yelled something Marina and Evreux couldn't quite make out due to all the noise.

"He's dead!" Jill stated loudly.

"It's the end of the world!"

"No it's not," Puddleglum told him. "It's the end of her world."

Evreux, once again, couldn't quite make out his son's words, but then could. "It's the end of her world indeed."

Jill asked what was to happen and was answered by Rilian. Marina and Evreux didn't give the conversation much thought as she was trying not to get crushed by falling debris.

They stumbled past falling rock, various objects and Earthmen as Rilian told them they had to sail off the Queen of the Underland's world.

"Just in case," Elissa added. "There's no one an eye ahead of us."

Jill and Eustace stared at each other as the latter said, "Goodbye, Jill."

"Goodbye, Eustace," Jill replied.

Puddleglum, Evreux and Marina ushered the children forward.

The Earthmen continued making noise.

"What's the matter?" Eustace asked. "They seem scared of you."

"No more than Elissa and I are of them," Rilian answered. "They are the Queen's creatures."

They continued their escape and reached a way up and out. There were explosions and falling debris behind them.

Puddleglum pulled Jill up, then Marina, then Elissa, after he himself had gotten out. Rilian, Evreux and Eustace emerged moments after.

The seven continued running, trekking through water. Above them, things continued falling and blowing up.

Whilst running, Elissa said, "You've had time to tell me and Rilian little of our country and my father. What is this voyage he's gone upon?"

"Caspian sailed in the southeast to the far lands we explored together when he, Evreux and Marina were very young," Eustace replied.

Marina chuckled. "I'm honoured you think of me and Evreux young, Eustace. But I assure you, he and I are much older than we look. Just ask your cousins."

Eustace gave her a small smile. "I may do that." He spoke to Rilian and Elissa again. "Time is different in our world. Brilliant to me. It's only a matter of months ago. But to him, Evreux and Marina, a lifetime." He breathed heavily.

"What is the object of his voyage?" Rilian questioned.

"Only he said to see again the places of his youth," Puddleglum told him. "But many believe he hoped to meet Aslan. To ask who could be the next king of Narnia in case-"

"You never expected to see me or Rilian again." Elissa lowered her head. Puddleglum lowered his own head and held his injured hand. Elissa raised her head and glanced back at Puddleglum. "You're right, friend-wiggle. We must get home."

Jill and Marina noticed something and the former said, "Oh look. Seaming's getting lower."

"It's the diggings," Eustace stated.

The seven began making their way to what the girls had seen.

"Bye now!" Eustace yelled.

Objects fell as they climbed up and Rilian and Elissa said, "This way. Follow me."

They followed Rilian and Elissa up as the cavern continued its destruction.

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