The four packed and continued their journey with a new companion.

They trudged through a field and Marina did her best to control her fear and worry that her daughter and Evreux's son could be dead.

After awhile, Puddleglum said, "You see?" They stood in front of the river. "No bridge."

Eustace frowned as he stared at the river. "Who says no bridge? I'm sure we'll be able to cross this on foot."

They began crossing the rocks. As they crossed, Puddleglum kept muttering, "Oh dear" and "Oh" in a nervous manner.

They reached the other side and Evreux smiled. "Well that could have been harder."

Puddleglum said, "Oh" as he held out his walking stick. Jill took it and held it as he walked onto the bank.

Jill turned and stated, "See? That wasn't difficult at all."

Eustace pointed in another direction. "That looks the best way up."

"No," Puddleglum argued. "Giants live up there."


"I thought the owls would have told you."

Eustace glanced between his friend, Evreux and the Queen. "Cheer up, Pole, Marina, Evreux. Some Giants in Narnia are friendly. We'll find your daughter and son, Marina, Evreux." He turned to Puddleglum. "Are these at peace or at war?"

"At peace. Officially. But they were bay beaten in several savage battles and now they have to pay tribute. Makes them rather irritable. Much like the Queen's current mood. My apologies."

Marina glared at Puddleglum. "Watch a fuming pirate, mate."

"I don't like the sound of irritable Giants," Jill said.

"Oh come on," Eustace replied as he walked past her.

The four followed Puddleglum up the mountain and through the valley.

They eventually stopped to look. Eustace pointed to a bird and whispered, "Look up there."

"I think I might enjoy adventures after all," Jill commented.

"We haven't had any yet," Puddleglum told her.

Marina frowned and muttered, "This entire journey has been an adventure. Not the most enjoyable of such, but we are in one nonetheless."

Eustace sighed and led the four down the hill.

They continued walking through the valley.

After a short while, Puddleglum ordered, "Stop! Shh!" A dragon was breathing fire.

Eustace ran toward the dragon and after a moment, Evreux followed.

Puddleglum reached a hand out as he said, "No, no, no."

Eustace and Evreux approached the dragon and touched it gently. The dragon instantly calmed and flew away. Jill and Puddleglum stared in awe.

As Eustace and Jill returned to the others, the former said, "Evreux and I knew he wouldn't hurt us. It seems Marina did too, despite her remaining back."

"How did you know?" Jill asked.

"I know a thing or two about dragons and Marina and Evreux have learned to observe and care."

"Yes, but you don't know everything, but now we can move on in peace," Puddleglum said as he walked away.

As they walked, Eustace said, "When we heard about the ruined city, I think we imagined it the Giants were dead."

"Oh, no, that's a long way ahead. The Giants ahead is more a different race. And very much alive."

"We seem to be getting closer to that gorge," Jill noted.

"Yes we are I shouldn't wonder."

"Funny rocks."


"If you came over here when it was half-dark, you might really believe those piles of rocks were giants."

"No, no."

Marina frowned as she stared at the rocks and called, "Jill-"

Jill nodded, ran up to Puddleglum and pointed behind them and said, "Look! There! You can almost believe the thing on top is a head. And those things sticking out on either side could be ears!" She gasped as they began moving.

"Don't stop," Puddleglum and Evreux ordered as the Giants began to stand.

"Keep walking," Puddleglum added. "Quick, straight ahead. Don't look at them. Do not look at them."

One of the Giants threw a rock and it landed in front of the four.

"Whatever you do, don't run," Puddleglum and Marina said.

"They've seen us!" Jill cried.

The Giants continued throwing rocks.

"One of those rocks hits us-" Puddleglum began.

"We'll be flattened!" Eustace exclaimed.

"Oh there's no shelter!" Jill yelled as they began jogging.

"Don't panic, mates," Puddleglum told them as he held a hand up. More rocks were thrown. "Don't panic."

Jill, Evreux and Eustace ran ahead while Puddleglum and Marina were caught by rocks.

Eustace and Evreux noticed two companions were missing. He, Evreux and Jill turned back as the former two cried, "Puddleglum! Marina!"

They came up to where the two had been to see ruins.

Marina crawled out with some bruises and cuts. Evreux pulled out the angry Queen.

"Are you all right?" Evreux asked.

"Yes," she replied. "Bloody Giants. A rude greeting, I must say!"

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