The group continued rowing across the lake.

Jill said in a glum tone, "We'll never get back to our own world. We're buried her as deep as deep in the earth."

"Steady, Pole," Eustace told his friend.

"But we're doing very well," Puddleglum encouraged. "Don't you remember? We were to go under the ruined city, what we have done. We most certainly are under it." He glanced between Eustace, Evreux and Marina. "And that means we are following Aslan's instructions again." He gently squeezed Jill's shoulder. "Warden!" He cleared his throat. "Um, Mr. Warden."

"My name is Mullugutherum," the warden said.

"Mr. Warden, have many others, have any others that can smile, walk and talk have, uh, done this trip?"

"Many have come down-"

"I know."

Puddleglum and Mullugutherum said in sync, "-and few have returned to the sunlit-"

"-land," Puddleglum finished. "Hmm." He patted Jill's shoulder and did the same to Marina.

Their journey across the lake continued in silence.

The five were eventually offered a plate of what Marina guessed to be bread. Each companion took one before the plate was pulled away and quietly ate their piece.

"No flavour," Eustace said.

"There's absolutely no taste at all," Jill commented.

"Well," Puddleglum began, "it could be worse. If these don't taste of anything, they don't taste terrible. I think they're rather nice."

Evreux shrugged. "Sustenance is appreciated nonetheless."

After they'd eaten, Jill looked up and said, "Feels like we've been on this boat forever. Or that we've been underground forever."

"I can hardly remember what the Sun looks like," Eustace admitted, causing Jill, Evreux and Marina to look at him. "I mean, for a bit of blue sky."

Jill glanced at Puddleglum as she asked, "Could we play a game or something to fill up the time?"

"I can think of a game," Puddleglum replied. "Remembering the signs." Jill let out a sigh and Marina patted her shoulder.

"Well, yes," Eustace agreed, facing the others. "As you said, three was to do what was written in the stones." Jill turned to him. "And we did. We came down here. Four-" He paused. "What's four?"

Jill looked at Puddleglum as she said, "The first and only person on our trip to ask us to do something in the name of Aslan must be obeyed."

"Not that we're likely to meet any such person down here," Puddleglum said as he stared at the Earthmen and Jill let out a sigh.

Marina tilted her head and smiled as she was filled with a strange sense of hope. "No, I think we shall. And sooner than we know."

The boat rowed towards a large building and Puddleglum pointed to it while Jill, Eustace, Marina and Evreux, the former of them who lifted their heads, stared at it.

They finally reached another dock and were pulled off the boat.

"Get your hands off me!" Eustace yelled as he shook the Earthmen holding him away.

Marina, Evreux and Jill also shook the Earthmen holding them away.

Mullugutherum led them down the platform towards the building as he ordered, "Make haste!"

"What is this place?" Eustace demanded. "Where are you taking us?!"

They followed Mullugutherum into and through what seemed to be a workroom, or a storage room; Marina wasn't sure which.

Mullugutherum led the five up a flight of stairs and past countless Earthmen working.

Eventually, they came to an ornate door and Mullugutherum said, "Now we sink down to the Underworld," a door opened, "and few have returned to the sunlight."

The companions entered the room and Jill commented, "That light. It's our kind of light. That's all blue and dismal."

"No, no, I take it the Queen has gone away on some great affair," the Earthman who'd opened the door said. "The only thing to be done with these top dwellers is to-"

"Oh, is that you, Mullugutherum?" a male voice asked. "Who have you there?"

"Strangers, sir," Mullugutherum replied, moving to look at who he was speaking to. "Creatures of the Overworld."

"Overworlders? Bring them down to me this instant."

"May it please your highness to remember that the Queen-"

"If it pleases my highness principally to be obeyed with this matter. Bring them down!"

Mullugutherum led them down a flight of stairs to the one who had ordered it. He opened a door and gestured to the entrance as he said, "Enter."

The four slowly entered the room. First were the children, then Marina, then Evreux, and finally Puddleglum.

Marina looked around the brightly lit, beautifully decorated room and almost immediately noticed a man and a woman in a chair. She quickly realised that they were the Black Knights they'd met before visiting the Giants.

Mullugutherum and another Earthman entered after the five, then left and slammed the door behind them.

"Welcome Overworlders," the taller Black Knight greeted. "Welcome to-" He stopped abruptly and his head fell to his right.

Evreux frowned and said softly, "That voice. Could it be?"

The Black Knight suddenly stood and walked towards them. "Stay, I cry mercy. We've seen you two children and of your stronger governor before, and of the man and the woman who seem from a dream. Was it not you five that met us on the borders of Ettinsmoor when my fellow knight and I rode there by our lady's side?"

"Do you mean you were the Black Knights who never spoke?" Jill questioned.

"We were."

"And that lady is the Queen of this Underworld?" Puddleglum asked.

"What did she think she was doing," Eustace began as the Black Knights looked around, "sending us off to a castle of Giants to be eaten for dinner. We never did her any harm."

The smaller Black Knight suddenly grabbed Eustace. "How dare you speak so of the Queen! Insolent boy." She dropped Eustace to the floor and both knights pulled out their swords.

Jill placed a hand on her friend's shoulder.

Marina moved in front of the children, blocking them as best she could. "If you two must take a life, take mine. But do not harm these children or our fellow companions."

Now We Are FreeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora