"Many fall down," the warden replied, "and few return to the sunlit lands. Make you ready to come with me to the Queen of the Deep Realm."

The Earthmen walked in a single file line.

The warden stopped in front of the five and Eustace asked, "What would she want with us?"

"I know not, young insolence," the warden replied. "Her will is not to be questioned, but obeyed. Well, stand up." The five stood as two Earthmen came towards them. "Now!"

They were led away and Marina couldn't shake the concerned feeling that had crept up, no matter how hard she tried. Evreux's expression told her that he was feeling the same.

They were led through a dark tunnel with only a handheld lamp for light.

Jill stopped and turned to the others before crying out, "I can't! I can't! I can't go into their kind of world!"

"You swore to the others!" the warden reminded her.

"You don't understand," Eustace said. "She hates being underground. She hates being in dark, enclosed spaces like this."

"You must go on."

Jill tried to shake them off when they grabbed her.

Marina turned to Jill. "You're not alone. We're all here with you. If you feel scared, you can take my hand and grip as tightly as you need."

Jill nodded slowly as Puddleglum said, "I tell you what. I'll go first and you can hold onto my heels or Marina's hand, or both, and Scrubb and Evreux can go behind you and they'll hold onto your heels and that way it won't be too bad."

Jill let out a small sob and looked down.

"I felt just like you do up on that clifftop when we first came here," Eustace told Jill, causing her to look at him. "And I'm sure Marina and Evreux have felt as you do this entire time despite them hiding it well. Come on, you must try."

Jill let our a frustrated sigh and took Marina's hand. They continued their trek. Puddleglum was in front, Jill and Marina were in the middle holding hands, and Eustace and Evreux in back.

As they ducked to avoid hitting the ceiling, Puddleglum said, "There is one good thing about being underground."

"What's that?" Eustace asked.

"You don't get any rain."


They heard rushing water and soon passed a small waterfall as they emerged from the narrow, enclosed, short path.

Marina and Evreux looked around at the rocks that had been adorned and the colours surrounding them. Puddleglum said something, but she couldn't make out what it was due to how loud the sound of rushing water was.

They carefully walked through, still following the warden.

Eventually, they came to a man with light surrounding him.

Puddleglum leaned closer to the warden and asked, "Who is that old fellow?"

"That is old Father Time," the warden replied, "who was once a King in the Overland. Now he has sunk down into the Deep Realm and lies dreaming of all the things that are done in the Upper World. They say he will wake."


"At the end of the world." They continued walking. "Many sink down and few return to the sunlit lands."

There was a strange sound and Puddleglum started freaking out.

Jill and Marina asked, "What's the matter?"

"I'm a Marsh-wiggle!" Puddleglum cried. "I'm a Marsh-wiggle! I need- I need the sky and the wind. I need the sun. I need one of these! I need the sun, otherwise I can't take any more of this!"

"Yes you can, Puddleglum!" Jill told him.

"Need the sun!"

"You can do it. We're with you. We can't be long now."

"I need the sun."


Marina placed a hand on Puddleglum's shoulder. "You'll see the sun and enjoy the breeze soon enough, Puddleglum."

"Oh, I need the sun," Puddleglum said again.

Once again, Jill shushed him. "Shh!"

Evreux glanced at the girl. "That isn't helping him ease his fear."

"Come on, come on. Don't cry."

Jill and Marina held Puddleglum's arms as they walked with him and Eustace and Evreux followed behind.

As they continued walking, Jill said, "I'm so thirsty. So thirsty."

"Don't worry, Pole," Eustace told her. "I'm sure we'll find water soon."

They soon reached a lake and saw a boat in the water. Earthmen were working on and around the boat.

"Look," Eustace said. "Water! Come on. Come on!" He started running, and the others followed.

"What are you doing?!" the warden cried. "Stop there! Stop! Stop!"

The five companions ignored the order and ran to the boat.

The warden followed and said, "We're so tight now. Never saw the balls. All right."

Eustace and Marina turned to see the emblem of a woman with snake hair on the stern and the former asked in a displeased tone, "Is that the person you're taking us to?"

"Person? Hippias child. She's the Queen of all this vast underworld. So creatures of the Overworld, go on boat! Move!"

Marina and Evreux quickly came to the conclusion that going on the boat was not a good idea.

Eustace came to the same conclusion and yelled, "I'm not going anywhere in the her banner!"

"Insolence!" the warden cried. "She is the Queen and must be obeyed without question. Come!"

Marina stared at the warden, then looked at the Earthmen, with a disgusted look. In all her years on the throne, she had never dared to rule her subjects with fear or force such as the Queen of the Underworld clearly seemed to do.

The Earthmen, followed by Puddleglum, began walking past Eustace, Jill, Marina and Evreux.

Eustace, Evreux and Marina were grabbed and the former and latter yelled, "Don't touch me!" They were taken onto the boat. "Get off me!"

The warden ordered for the rowers to row, and soon the boat was moving across the water.

Marina watched as the land grew further and further away. As they journeyed further into the pitch black, she was filled with a strange sense of peace despite what was currently happening. 

A calm voice echoed in her head. "Have peace, child. You and your friend shall be reunited with your flesh and bone sooner than you know."

Marina closed her eyes and smiled softly as she whispered, "Thank you, Aslan."

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