The Infirmary

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Despite Ace's insistence that he wasn't going to help, Luffy ended up convincing (read: whining at) him to bring the red-haired Captain to shore and find someone to help. Benn had been the closest, and he'd nearly lost it when he spotted Shanks' missing arm and two gore covered sirens, but he'd composed himself when he pieced the story together from Luffy's crying.

Right now, even though Shanks never allowed him on board, Luffy is in the infirmary with the Captain himself. Luffy had run out of tears hours ago, but a sniffle can be heard every once and a while. Shanks is out cold, what's left of his arm bandaged and slinged across his chest. When the man wakes up, Benn and Hongo, the doctor, are going to be giving him an earful.

For now, it's a lengthy waiting game.

Luffy had long abandoned the chair beside his bed, instead tucking himself under the Captain's uninjured arm and cuddling up to the man he's decided to look up to. His little fingers are tightly holding the man's shirt, grounding himself. He'd cried himself into a fistful nap, and even Ace and Sabo had problems consoling the boy. Against Benn's will, the siren teens had invited themselves in, and are currently sitting in the infirmary.

They almost feel bad admitting it, but they're jealous of the unconscious man. Ace is sitting closest to the youngest boy, claws gently carding his hair and lightly scratching his scalp every once in a while. It's proven effective in relaxing the boy while awake, so he hopes it carries over while asleep. He wishes he could hold him, having been missing Luffy hugs for almost a week, but the boy is clinging desperately onto the red-haired man.

Sabo sighs, tiredly. He's glad Ace decided to follow that Seaking, not only did they get a meal, they also found their favorite boy. Now they know for sure where Luffy's been. Unbeknownst to them, Makino and the crew now have definite proof that Luffy isn't in danger.

Suddenly, Shanks jerks awake, startling the sirens and jostling his arm, tearing a wince from him. His mind feels foggy, the gears of his thoughts gummed up. Shanks blurrily looks around, searching for Luffy. Is the boy okay? Oh, he's right there, clinging to his shirt. The man exhales in relief, tucking the thin infirmary sheets around the boy, holding him closer.

He clears his throat and hums, taking note of the teens in the room. "Ace and Sabo?" He simply asks, quirking a brow. The sirens startle, "Luffy talks about you a lot," he fondly smiles, recalling the boy's rants. The blonde teen, he assumes is Sabo, widely grins, sharp teeth glinting, before he loudly purrs. "He did exactly what you said not to do," the freckled teen, Ace, reminds the other, pinching the bridge of his nose.

Luffy shifts besides Shanks and yawns, tucking himself closer to the man. Sabo and Ace's pupils dilate, before they quietly coo at the boy. Honestly, he can't blame them, it was really adorable.

Before Shanks can join the cooing, Benn and Hongo step into the room. They probably heard him talking. Or they heard him knock something over, he definitely thinks something fell when he jerked awake.

Benn, much to the siren's dismay, grabs the teens by the forearms and drags them out so Hongo can do his doctor thing. However, they don't complain too much, so Shanks assumes they're okay with it.

Hongo moves to pick up Luffy, probably so he can check his Captain's bandages, but Shanks hisses and tightens his hold on the boy the slightest bit. Hongo rolls his eyes at the red-haired Captain, but doesn't move to dislodge the boy again, instead inspecting the bandages and asking a few questions like, 'What happened?', 'How are you feeling?', 'What the fuck were you thinking?', prompting the respective answers of, 'A Seaking ate my arm', 'Like shit', 'I wasn't'.

Hongo is disappointed, but Shanks doesn't care too much, instead more focused on the small boy that's stirring awake. The boy blinks awake and is greeted with a grinning red-haired man. Luffy takes a minute to process the sight, and sensing what's about to happen, Hongo leaves right before Luffy bursts into tears. Apologies spill from the boy, who's moved to clinging around the man's chest, arms wrapped around him multiple times, face buried in his neck.

Shanks hums as he pats the boy's back, "Don't apologize," he softly chastises when Luffy goes quiet, "This isn't your fault." Wrong thing to say, apparently, as the boy's eyes welled up with tears once more, "But!" he wails, hiccuping, "I'm the one that went looking for the bandits!" he admits, nose beginning to run. Shanks just leans over and grabs a tissue for the boy.

"I'm the one that started yelling at them!" he hiccups, tilting his head down so he doesn't meet Shanks' eyes, "I picked a fight when you told me it wasn't a big deal!" he sobbed, surging forward and returning his face to the man's neck, exhausted from holding himself up. "Are you mad?" Luffy asks after Shanks doesn't say anything, not daring to look the man in the eyes.

The man sighs exasperatedly, grinning after. He cards his fingers through Luffy's hair, "Nope," he denied. Luffy peeks at him from where he's hidden his face, eyeing him like he's a liar. Shanks huffs, "Fine," he admits, "I'm a little peeved, but not at you," he gives. He feels the boy relax against him, going almost boneless. Which might actually be correct, considering he's now made of rubber. He begins to rub the boy's back, absentmindedly. Lucky Roux is definitely peeved about the Devil Fruit, considering he found it, but the man would rather die than get upset at the boy.

"Shishishi," Luffy suddenly giggles, distracting the man. Luffy tenses, and Shanks pauses, before grinning deviously and moving his fingers to the boy's side, tickling him. "Ah! HEHE!" the boy laughs, trying to untangle his arms from around the man weakly. Shanks chuckles, freeing the boy who heaves dramatically for air, softly giggling.

Shanks smiles fondly when the boy blows a raspberry at him, previous distress forgotten. Luffy smacks his cheeks suddenly, squashing them together. Luffy sunnily grins, and without warning, plants a big kiss on the man's forehead. He lets the man go, and clasps his little hands together, beaming at Shanks.

Shanks inhales sharply and holds back a squeal, this boy is adorable. So cute. The Captain beams a grin that almost matches the rubber boy, ducking his head to return a kiss to the boy's temple. Luffy flaps his hands, giddily giggling and positively oozing happiness. Shanks watches the boy fondly.

Adoption? He contemplates, deciding on the pros and cons of adopting a child protected by sirens.

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