The Intro

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Sabo idly watches as Ace weaves back and forth from the surface of the water, where a hole was unburied, to Sabo, where a bag of gold and shiny jewelry was sitting in his arms. All of which is, of course, stolen. He grins in delight, the slim fins of his glittering tail fluttering with the feeling.

The bag is emptied quickly, and Sabo lets the bag float to the ground as he and Ace both swim to the surface, a death wish to most, and begin to rebury their goods.

The two teens smirk at each other smugly, sharp teeth glinting in their barely concealed spaces. They both soak in the sight of all the precious items laid out before them. Ace turns to the blonde next to him as he begins to speak, tail curled behind him.

"I think this was our best haul yet, don't ya think?" His velvety voice trilled in question. He moves further from the water, a bad idea anywhere else, and sets a hand on the pile.

Sabo hums, a melodic sound, in agreement. He also moves closer to the pile, a webbed hand picking up a pristine pearl necklace. He says, "This is definitely more than what we got last time," as a pearl catches his reflection.

It reflects a teen with sandy blonde hair, he looks no older than sixteen. His skin is a healthy pale, mostly unblemished. There's a large, jagged edge scar on the left side of his face that touches his hairline and goes over and below his eye, where it curls around his shoulder and stops at the middle of his chest. There's another one on his right shoulder and the back of his left hand, both ending at their respective wrist. His undamaged eye is a deep blue, slightly darker than the sky, while his other is an unseeing gray with a few flecks of color.

As the blonde sets the necklace back in its place, the coins in the pit catch sight of the other teen, also no older than sixteen, who chuckles as he watches the sky. His hair is a dark brown, almost bordering on black. His skin is tanner than Sabo, a caramel color, speaking of days spent in the sun instead of underwater, freckles dotting the skin. The freckles are grouped randomly on him, under his eyes, on the bridge of his nose, his shoulders and collarbones, then ending on his biceps. His eyes are gray, but there's specks of brown around his irises.

'They're beautiful,' something in the wind whispers. Neither boy hears it, and they continue sitting in relative silence, relaxing.

The bushes behind them that border the forest begin to rustle, causing the boys to panic. They're clumsy, and they messily cover up the pit before they dive into the water, hiding behind a boulder close to the shore as they watch the intruder.

It's a small boy, to the relief of the teens. He can't be any older than six, maybe seven if you push it. He has a mop of black, unruly hair, and wide doe-like eyes. The teens can't tell what the boy is saying, but it sounds like a song. He's drinking from something that's box-shaped. The shirt the boy is wearing says 'ANCHOR', for some reason, and he's wearing blue shorts.

He's also bare-footed, which is probably what caused him to trip over the hastily covered pit. The teens panicked as the boy, now laying directly on the pile of goods, began to curiously unbury it.

"DON'T TOUCH THAT!" They both yell, leaping over the rock they were hiding behind. They hit the water with a big splash, which successfully soaked the younger boy.

The doe-eyed boy gapes at them in awe, which the other boys mistook as shock, his song and box-thing forgotten as he stares at Ace and Sabo, who both begin to feel anxious. This boy is definitely going to blab about their treasure pit, and the fact two sirens are hanging around the surface of the town's island. The two teens give each other a look, nodding in silent agreement.

The boy opens his mouth, likely to scream, before the two teens grab his arms, holding him up by the elbows. The boy yelps and kicks his feet, attempting to escape.

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