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"Mommy!Mommy!"Aria shouted

She smiled at me, standing in the door entrance.She looked at me with her beautiful blue eyes and her silky black hair that outshone the entire room, her pretty silly smile that spread across her face with her petite body.

She had her water gun in her right hand and without hesitation, started heading to the kitchen.

I was getting ready to be as wet as possible.

I hurriedly started chopping the lettuces.

I was currently making lunch and I was almost done with the salad.

It was a sunny Saturday afternoon,not compelling any of us to go to school or work.


I know you were thinking that Darien had passed away after what happened a year ago but he's perfectly fine.

Darien is upstairs doing some work related research.

And he left me down here.All alone

"Ahoy mate"She shouts and starts spraying me

I start to run,as that is the only possible option in my mind, using my hands as a shield in the process of running around the kitchen counter.

I giggle,"Aria,I need to make lunch "

She sprays me once again and a little water hits my forehead

"I'm injured. I've been hit"I scream dramatically, placing my hand on my forehead and fall to the ground

"I'm home!"I hear Audrey shout

Now,i know what you were thinking, you thought this is the part where I suddenly got pregnant a year ago and now I live with my best friend and boyfriend.

Well, you are VERY wrong.
And dirty minded because I'm not pregnant just yet.

Audrey gave birth a year ago and since then, she has officially found a job and I have applied to multiple universities after completing high school.

What is Aria doing here then, you ask?

Well, Audrey works on Saturday's and left Aria for us to babysit.

The day Aria was born will never be forgotten because that was the day my mom and I got closure and after that traumatic experience,we both got therapy.

Mom still needs it once in a while and Darien was with me through all of it.

So much happened that day that I don't know where to start.


My mom and I sit down in the ambulance and it speedily drives off.

"H-Honey,I-if s-something happens to Darien.I-i will never be able t-to forgive myself.I'm sorry"she stutters, pointing to Darien who was at the back

"Mom, It's fine.Calm down.Please."i say calmly and hug her

"Wait"i touch her forehead,"Mom,you have a fever"I Look at her

I wish I would never have had to see her like this.

She was more traumatized than I was.

I understood that she had to bear more than I would have because she had to live with that monster.

Why wasn't I there?

I was so angry at myself for not realizing earlier.

How could I not see it?

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