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The next day, everything felt like it always does.I was still laying in bed when I looked out my window and saw our postman-George,arrive in front of our house.

As usual throwing the newspaper on our lawn before he drove off on his bicycle.

I ran downstairs and looked through our mail hoping to find something interesting.

As I was flipping through them,I came across a envelope addressed to me.

Without any hesitation,I opened it and my jaw dropped to the floor when I saw what it was...

"A SCHOLARSHIP!??"I mumbled to myself.

My face turned from shocked to confused.

Hadn't I failed almost every subject?

Certainly there must be a huge mistake.
Like a HUGE mistake...

Surprisingly,a school for the rich wanted me to attend their school on full scholarship.


I ain't rich so it MUST be someone else.

It was the best day of my entire odd life.

That's what my inner voice said

But was it really the best day of my life?

I found myself smiling with a slight joy in me.

But my smile quickly turned upside down when I realized that this school wasn't in Paris.

All the way in New York!!

Surely the scholarship was a mistake because...

1)I couldn't imagine being good in anything.
2)I wasn't good in sports,dancing, singing or literally anything.
3)I can't just leave my whole life behind just for some prestigious school.

I went back inside and handed the paper to my mom in which she responded with a VERY disturbing and life threatening squeal.

I felt my ear drums tear after that.

Her squeal soon turned into a big hug.

"I need to tell Zach "she said excited

It was almost like watching a 6-year old jump with excitement because it just got the biggest candy in the world .

I almost fell as I tried to hold her back.
"Mom,check where the school is located at."

She read the letter again and turned to me

"So what if it's not in Paris?You HAVE to go " she said supportive

"I-I can't leave everyone behind just like that" I explained

"We'll be fine Bri, don't worry!!"she said,placing her hand on my shoulder to calm me down

Even though my mom convinced me,I couldn't imagine being thousands of miles away from everyone I loved so much nor could I think of sitting in a plane for 6 hours and 50 minutes.

I booked my flight ticket and invited Audrey over to break the news to her.

"I got a scholarship to some rich school in N/Y"i squealed

But my happiness was one sideded.

Audrey gave me a blank look before her eyes turned teary.

She was really sad and I saw how much it hurt her.

"Yeah...That's great"she said trying to keep her voice happy

I promised her that we'd still have contact even when I was gone.

After looking through the internet for pictures of my new school,I bought ice-cream to cheer her up and watched Mr.Bean for an hour.

After seeing her happy like Audrey always is,I decided to avoid that particular topic and she went back home.

I had only a week left so I decided to spend my time wisely.

I took time to study,go shopping with my mom,and went swimming with Audrey.

It was going to be really hard to live without Audrey or mom.

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