"Can you two hurry it up with the family bonding? We don't have all day," Klaus spoke up. He was in an antsy mood. When Margot stole his wallet she decided to spend every penny. So during the journey, he was busy committing fraud to get the balance back up to its normal number.

Margot glanced over at the hybrid sending him a warning look which made him immediately shut up. "Rebekah and I will be inside. Take all the time you need, love."

"Remember our deal, Niklaus."

"I remember. I also remember you need to keep up on your side of the deal... perhaps tonight."

The girl nodded before sending the two Mikaelsons away.

"What exactly is your deal with him? I only know your side... What does he have you doing?" Stefan questioned as they moved to sit on a curb.

"I know what I'm doing, dad. As long as I keep up with our deal, he can't touch anyone I love."

"Tell me what he has you doing, Margot," Stefan demanded as he stood up.

The heretic sighed, "Calm down, dad. Please."

"No, I've kept quiet all summer- You know you can talk to me, Maggs. I would never be angry with you."

Margot stared up at him, a line etched between her brows as she thought of the possible outcomes. He could be disgusted by her, he could try to kill Klaus or he could have a heart attack.

"Klaus and I's deal ensures your safety. My end was for him to keep you all safe and to never harm you. His end... His end was for us to be friends with benefits."

Stefan's mouth dropped. Out of all the things he was expecting, this was not it.


He stayed silent. He appeared to be in shock. Perhaps he was having a heart attack.

"You- You- My daughter- Oh my god. I thought you were with Rebekah this whole time."

Margot tilts her head slightly, "I mean a few hours ago I was..."

"Oh my god."

"Dad? Are uh are you gonna be okay?"

"Hmm? Oh yeah... I'm cool. Very cool. Cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool. Hey, can you siphon me? I think I'm in shock."

Margot stood, her face unsure as she placed her hand on his shoulder, a small blue mist appearing at the touch. It only took a second for his mind to no longer be jumbled.

"What the actual fuck?"

"I thought the same thing actually," They heard a smooth British voice say from behind them. They turned, seeing Rebekah standing at the door with a crowbar.

"Why him, love? You should date me instead. I could be a better boyfriend than him and you know it."

Margot sighed, "He's not my boyfriend, Bekah... Why the crowbar?"

"I don't know, it's fun to hit people with..." She noticed the Salvatore's shared look, "Don't worry, I won't hit either of you... I mean I might slap Margot tonight but not in a harmful way," She said, sending a small wink to the woman.

Stefan almost vomited. He actually did. The vampire sped over to one of the bushes before puking up everything that was in his stomach.

Margot and Rebekah shared a look before they burst out into laughter earning a groan from Stefan. "Please stop," He muttered before he started puking again.

"So, who's the unlucky person you hit with the crowbar?" Margot questioned as she rubbed Stefan's back as he continued to vomit. The poor janitor that would have to clean it up in the morning.

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