Chapter 9: Angry Tuna Sighting

Start from the beginning

( I am recalling the scene in the opening for Cooking With Valkyries season 2 where Theresa was eating a whole bitter melon in one bite, multiple times, I am scared. )

Everyone was very full in the end, Kiana looks like she became pregnant with food afterwards, but it magically disappeared after a burp in a few moments, making Kiana's stomach go back to its normal size, Kiana's stomach sure work wonders.

Kazuha was eating so elegantly Kiana couldn't help but eat half of his curry, with the all mighty excuse of 'Mei senpai's cooking is too good! You know how it is when my stomach encounters it, especially her curry!'.

"I'm stuffed. Hey Bronya! I challenge you to a battle!" Kiana seems to immediately recover, even having enough energy to challenge Bronya.

"Da, The Bronya accepts." Bronya emotionlessly replied.

"I will beat you this time!" Kiana was already starting up the game, determined to defeat Bronya this time, motivated by Mei's food of course.

Fu Hua left to grab a book, Kazuha watched Bronya effortlessly defeat Kiana, and Himeko was trying to drink to be stopped by Mei.

"Noooooo!" Kiana wailed as she got defeated by Bronya in their 5th match.

"Win streak of 219." Bronya muttered.

"May I try this game? It has been a while since I played a video game." Kazuha asked, Kiana's head turned around so fast he thought there was a small little crack.

"What! How!" Kiana exclaimed.

"Does subject Kazuha know how to play." Bronya questioned.

"Sort of? I'm pretty sure it has been... around 9 years?" Kazuha thought out loud.

"How the f-" Kiana was then cut off by Bronya slapping her hand over her mouth, successfully censoring her.

"Here, The Bronya shall teach subject Kazuha how to play." Bronya handed him a controller, he accepted it and Bronya gestures for him to sit down.

Bronya proceeded to teach him about the controls, the basic strategies, and even some of her own strategies that Kiana does not know about, he can hear Kiana whining in the background about unfairness.

"I think I get most of it now, can I try?" Kazuha requested.

"Da, subject Kazuha may begin at anytime." Bronya replied.

Kazuha made sure his fingers were on the right buttons, he already planned ahead what to do if Bronya ever uses those strategies she taught him, he never felt so tense, perhaps it's because he is going against Bronya.





The battle began, Bronya immediately used one of her opening strategy, but Kazuha already planned ahead, dodging the attack, avoiding being in a combo by Bronya, he then attack her with one of his own strategy he came up with, successfully hitting her, in turn, Bronya also manages to hit him multiple times.

Kazuha's body was on autopilot, he leaned forward, staring intensely at the characters, his fingers moving from one button to another in lightning speed, Bronya's eyes were also unblinking, focusing on winning as she went on autopilot as well.

"Go Bronya! Beat this stupid, arrogant Maple Boy!" Kiana cheered, that is quite unexpected.

"Affirmative." Bronya muttered, narrowing her eyes as she gets serious.

They were actually quite even, Bronya only had a bit more health than Kazuha.


Bronya has obtained her ultimate, that is going to be troublesome.

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