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“Did you have breakfast?“ Wai asked Korn who was still in shock because he just saw Fuse dragging away his brother like nothing.

Aou would never let anyone do that to him.

Wai nudged Korn as he laughed at him. “Chill, Korn. My brother is not that bad,” He said with a huge smile.

Korn turned to look at Wai. His smile was everything that Korn needed. He basically forgot about his brother and focused on Wai.

“There's croissants, fudge cakes and so many other delicious foods here. Let's have a small breakfast, hm?“ Wai asked again.

Korn nodded. “Okay. I'll place the orders,” He said, smiling back.

Wai showed a thumbs up happily.


“I can't believe we are having ice cream right after our breakfast,” Wai said with a huge sigh. They are having a stroll in the nearby park.

Korn looked at Wai with an offended look. “Excuse you? Ice cream never has a right time to eat. It's an all-rounder,” He proudly said. He even took a bite of his ice cream in front of Wai to prove to him.

Wai rolled his eyes. “I can already imagine my teeth begging for mercy,” He said. His ice cream already started melting and he hadn't even taste it yet.

Korn looked at his boyfriend weirdly. He couldn't believe his ears. He glanced at Wai's ice cream and looked away in disgust.

“Seriously, please eat your ice cream or throw it away. I can't look at that anymore. It's all melted in your hand,” Korn said, still not looking at Wai.

Wai frowned in confusion. It was just an ice cream?

He looked at his hand and understood everything. Seeing a nearby dustbin, he immediately threw his ice cream in it.

Korn finally decided to look at Wai. He took a piece of his ice cream to calm himself but only made it worse.

Wai's hand was all soaked up in melting cream.

Korn also threw his ice cream and ran away as fast as he could to buy a water or anything he could drink to ease the urge of puking.

Wai also followed him. He bought a bottle of water for himself and used that water to wash his hands properly.

“Wai, I will never be able to see ice cream the same again,” Korn said in disappointment. In a rush of drinking, the water fell over his clothes.

Wai apologetically smiled at Korn, though he isn't really guilty about anything. He had fun, seeing Korn suffering like that. Just like old times.

His gaze fell on Korn's damped clothes. “I think you need to change your clothes. It's all wet,” Wai pointed out the most obvious thing.

Korn was unamused. “You think? Isn't it as clear as the relationship between our brothers?“ He sarcastically said.

Wai frowned. “Well, jeez. No need to get so grumpy now,” He rolled his eyes and crossed his arms as a defensive stance.

Korn sighed loudly. “My clothes will probably dry out soon. It's very hot today. However…” He looked at Wai's appearance, up and down.

He slowly touched Wai's hand, neck and even cheek with his hand. He grimaced in disgust whereas Wai stood there, confused.

“However what? Will you keep touching me or will you even say something?“

“However! I think you need a bath! You're so sticky right now!“ Korn nearly yelled. He didn't like the attitude he was getting from Wai.

And nor did Wai like the attitude Korn was giving him.

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