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"Are you all going to sleep over or what?! When will you leave my damn dorm?!" Mo yelled, irritatingly.

Originally, Pat and Chang came here to console Korn but in the end, those three started using all his stuffs and making a mess in Mo's dorm.

Pat tsk'ed. "Come on! Don't be so rude now," He said, jumping on Mo's bed.

And soon, those three boys found themselves being kicked out of the room by Mo.

"Yo, what are you guys doing here?" Just in time, Louis came and asked with a confused look.

The three musketeers; friends, looked at him with curiosity. "No, better question. What are you doing here?" Chang asked, slightly smirking.

Before Louis could even answer anything, Mo opened the door. He overheard Louis's voice when he spoke and he also heard Chang's question.

"You guys aren't gone yet?" Mo asked, looking at his friends in annoyance. He crossed his arms and leaned on the door.

"Why are you so eager on sending us away~? Are you two going to do something—" As soon as Chang started talking, Mo already got a hint of what he was going to say.

So he grabbed Louis's arm and dragged him inside his dorm. He then locked it so as they couldn't get in.

Chang sighed as he rolled his eyes. "Wow, rude much?" He said, shaking his head in disappointment. He then decided to also leave since Mo wasn't going to let them him.

"I'm done here. Pick me up," He said on the phone and hung it up.

That definitely attracted Korn and Pat's attention. "That's so demanding. I feel bad for that person," Korn said, looking all pitiful.

"Yes. Be more caring, Chang," Pat teased as he joined Korn in looking pitiful.

Chang looked at his friends, unamused. "You got a problem with my attitude?" He said, crossing his arms, "If so, suck it up."

"Oi, that was so rude," Korn said, putting a hand over his chest.

All three of them bursted into laughter. As soon as they managed to calm down, Pat asked, "Do you guys want to spend the night at my house?"

Chang shook his head. "Sorry. I told Safe that I'll be with him tonight. He is probably on his way for picking me up," He said.

"You guys have been too close these days," Korn commented, raising his thick eyebrows in suspicion, "What is going on~?"

Chang looked at him, smugly. "Why are you asking? Jealous much?" He said, totally ignoring his question.

"You wish," Korn said back, scoffing. He was sure that something is definitely going on between them.

Before Chang could retort, his phone started ringing. "Yeah, Safe? You're here? Alright, I'll come downstairs," He answered the call.

As soon as he hung up, he looked at his friends and said, "Safe is here so I'm leaving now. I'll see you guys tomorrow."

"Eh eh~ Bye," Pat said, smirking. Korn waved his hands and mouthed at Chang,"Use protection."

Chang flashed him his middle finger and left the dormitory, almost running.

Pat them turned towards Korn and said, "Will you go back to your dorm or do you want to spend the night at my place?"

Korn froze. He definitely didn't want to go back to his dorm where he kissed Wai. He didn't want to do that.

Pat noticed the slight change in Korn's body so he patted him on his back while saying, "Korn, talk to him tomorrow. It's hard but at least, try to tell him about your feelings."

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