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Fuse was walking in circle in front of Wai's door. He was indecisive of whether he should go in or not. That's when Wai opened his door and shocked himself by Fuse's presence.

“P'Fuse! What are you doing in front of my room?“ Wai asked, both hands on his waist.

That's when Fuse decided to just tell him what he needed to say. He was sure that his personal life would eventually collide with Wai's life at one point, especially now that Wai is dating Korn.

“Look Wai, I need to tell you something really important!“ He exclaimed. Fuse looked very serious which alerted Wai's attention.

“What is it—”

The front door opened with a feminine voice. “We are home, kids!“

Wai glanced at them from upstairs and then looked at his brother. “Alright, Phi. Can you tell me it after dinner?“ He asked.

Fuse was contemplating before he finally agreed. “Okay, I'll come to your room later then,” He said.

Wai let out a small smile at his brother. “Let's go downstairs now?“ He asked.

“Oh, you go first. I need to freshen up first. It was a hot day today, just like I am,” Fuse said, jokingly.

Wai smacked his brother's arm. “Such arrogance doesn't suit you, Phi,” He teased.


“How was your day?“ Wai asked his parents. He took their belongings and placed them on the table.

Brinda threw herself on the couch with an exhausted sigh. “Very tiring!“ She exclaimed.

Dan sat down beside her. “I don't have any energy left,” He continued. He then looked around to look for Fuse.

“Where's Fuse?“ He asked, “Did you two kill each other when we were not here? I am not wasting my money for a funeral.“

Brinda smacked Dan's arm and glared at him for saying such words.

“Ohoii, Por! P'Fuse is taking a bath right now. Why are you in such a hurry of declaring us dead?“ Wai said, teasing his father a bit.

“Shush! Both of you! I don't want to hear that kind of things again in my household,” Brinda demanded.

Wai and Dan shared a look, knowing that they fucked up. Brinda got up and went directly to her room.

Dan raised a finger at Wai. “You, go and convince her!“ He said.

Wai gasped. “Why me? You are the one who started it!“ He talked back.

“Started what?“ Fuse came downstairs with a confused look. He searched around for his mom. “Where's Mae? What did you two do now?“

Dan and Wai held a guilty look as they told Fuse everything. Fuse sighed in disappointment.

“There's only one thing that can cajole her now. You two! Go and make a lavish dinner!“ Fuse commanded.

“But we don't know how to cook!“ Wai complained.

Dan, on the other hand, was extremely upset for making his wife sad. “I also don't know how to cook but if you two cook for me, I'll give both of you 10,000 baht each,” He offered.

Fuse and Wai didn't even think for a second. “Okay! I'll do it!“ Both of them said at the same time.

It's money after all… who can refuse it?


At dinner, food was finally served. Dan brought Brinda out of their room after apologising for a hundred times.

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