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When Korn woke up, he found Wai on the other side of the phone sleeping. He looked at his boyfriend with adoration


Korn muted his phone just like how Wai did and asked the person to come in. He was expecting his father who he assumed to have finish his work, not his brother...?

"Aou?" He was very shocked to find his brother coming in his room. He quickly got out of his bed after putting his phone on his desk.

"Do you need anything?" Korn asked with curiosity. He took a closer look at his brother. Aou was looking very worn out. He must have been busy with his office works.

"Father called me to inform you that for dinner, he will be taking you out at The Vice so be dressed for it," Aou said.

He thought of simply just dash out of the room but Korn interrupted him with speaking.

"Oh okay, thanks for telling me but what about you?" Korn asked.

"What about me?" Aou asked back in confusion.

"Um, like all the helpers are on a day off. What about your dinner?" Korn worryingly asked.

Aou was a bit taken aback. He wasn't expecting that. "You do not need to worry about that. I can make something up," He said.

Korn was not having it. "You took after Mae, Aou. You don't know how to cook or even make a sandwich," He said.

Aou was baffled. Yeah, that's also true... "Like I said, don't worry about me, Korn. I went to bed numerous time without having dinner. It's not a big deal," He said.

This time he didn't even give Korn a chance to rebuke his words and simply left the room.


Went to bed without having dinner multiple times?

Korn was very worried now. He needed to talk about this to his father.


Wai's voice brought him back to reality. He quickly attended his boyfriend on the call.

"Good morning, Cutie," Korn teased with a wink.

Wai rolled his eyes. Cutie? Did Korn not notice his bedhair? The only cute one here is Korn not him.

"Oii, don't flatter me, bastard. Why do you seem disturbed?" Wai asked.

Korn's smile fell on his face. He felt disturbed by the way his father and brother are acting. "My brother. I feel like when I wasn't home, something bad happened. He is acting more distance than usual and he is not even talking back like he used to in the past. I feel like I should talk about this to Dad. What do you think?" He explained everything.

Wai listened to each words with attention. "Maybe instead of talking to your dad, why don't you try talking to your brother? You say he is distant then he must have nobody to talk to about his feelings. Try to know that first then maybe, you might get to the root of this problem," He offered his opinion.

Korn's eyes glimmered with realisation. "Why didn't I think of this before? You are right! I should do that first!" He said.

Wai smiled in arrogance. "If you were smart enough, you would have known that," He teased.

Korn gasped but instead of talking back, he simply accepted it. "You are truly an asshole. I can't even rebuke you because of my grades falling," He said.

Wai scoffed. "About time you realised that. Taking about grades, my family is buying me a new car because I improved very much," He bragged.

Korn frowned funnily. "So? What's so special in that? It's only the beginning of the term!" He said, pouting.

"Well, I must improve myself if I need to show my parents that having you in my life influence me in a good way. When I tell mae and por about you, they will bring up about my performance in university. I want to show them that you're the only reason of my success and happiness. That without you, I would only be a failure," Wai explained himself.

He wants his parents to accept Korn the way he is. He wants his parents to be happy for him. Beside if his parents are not supportive, Wai would just drop his grades to a level that no one has even achieved and blame it on them making him leave Korn.


But it affected Korn a lot. Wai said when he will introduce him not if. Wai is showing so much positive change in his life because of Korn's presence and Korn is not even trying to do something.

"Korn, what are you thinking about?" Wai asked when he saw Korn getting lost in his thoughts again.

Korn looked at Wai with determination. "Wai, I promise you that I will prove my worth to your parents!" He said.

Wai was a bit taken aback but soon regained his composure. "My parents will love you, Korn. I don't think they would hate someone who makes their son happy," He said with assurance.

Korn looked at Wai with big doe eyes. "Do you really think so?"

Wai nodded in hopes that it would comfort Korn. "P'Fuse already loves you. He knows and supports us. I'm sure that my parents will do so as well,"

Korn's eyes widened. "Your brother knows about us?! When?! How?!" He asked, nearly yelling.

Wai laughed. "When you were sleeping, he dropped by and saw you on my phone. That's when I told him everything," He said.

Korn let out a quiet groan. "You mean he saw me when I was sleeping?! I wasn't even on my best look yet! I was probably drooling and he saw me for the first time like that!" He complained and cursed both Wai and himself.

Wai shook his head in disappointment. "He wanted to hit on you," He said.

Korn's words remained frozen. He choked slightly on the air as he tried to speak, "Excuse me, wanted to what-?"

"Hit on you. You're lucky that you look like his type," Wai rolled his eyes as he spat in disgust.

Korn seemed flattered. "Oh wow, is your brother handsome?" He asked, making fun of Wai.

Wai forcibly let out a smile. "Oh wow, I can see you are enjoying this, huh? Just wait till I meet you again," He threatened.

Korn felt a chill down his spine. Wai's threats weren't not empty ones. He, himself, has experienced a lot of times when they were 'enemies'.

"Er! I'm sorry, na krab~!" He said with a sugary voice with hopes of convincing Wai which... actually worked.

Wai ignored Korn's gaze with his sweet voice and hung up the call without another word.

Korn pouted. He didn't even get a goodbye from Wai before the architecture boy hung up.


WiiWaii, Mon amour:
I love you <3

Grilled Corn 🌽:
Sweet dreams about us!
I love you tooo! mwah <3

Korn found himself squealing happily at the message. He stuffed his face in his pillow and let out the most inhuman scream.

This alerted his brother, Aou's attention.


Yeahhhh, the French part seemed pretty cringey :>
I wanted something cute and romantic that's not English. Firstly I thought of Spanish but I didn't want a language that I'm not fluent in. It's a bit of too much effort to go to Google translate to see if you really spelt the words right or not so I chose French, much easier for me ;)

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