Chapter 31: Stars Around Scars

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Although last night in the presence of Scarlett was definitely the best fucking night of my life, a pang of guilt still looms over me that I let my desperation for her take control and lead me to rush into things.

A mere scale ranging from one to ten is not even nearly large enough to describe the insurmountable amount of enjoyment I felt from that experience, but what if she doesn't feel the same because of my choices?

I have never felt so uncertain in my own skin in my whole life than I do now, have never done this much overthinking or had this type of insecure mindset.

I'm becoming fucking soft.

Even though I knew this newfound 'softness' wasn't even close to appearing as a positive alteration, I cannot bring myself to give even one shit.

I don't want to give her even more reasons than she already has to leave. I want her to enjoy this, to enjoy me.

So I eat her pussy, and fuck if it isn't the best thing I've ever tasted.

I dig my tongue into her opening, teasing on the flaps with my tongue. The sweet, addicting taste of her juices invades my senses more intensely the deeper I go, searching for some kind of fulfilment, yet it continues to seem as if I can never fucking get enough. The twists and turns her body makes as she skwirms and moans in pleasure just add to that effect.

Her movements and sounds quickly begin to fill my heart with a certain kind of emotion, perhaps it is satisfaction, or a sensation similar. All I know is that they seem to make me feel. . . complete.

However, I did promise her a punishment, and I like to call myself a man of my word. This, judging by her successive movements and noises of pleasure, fails to be what would be described as a punishment in her mind. So I decide to tease her.

I pull away from the pleading state of her pussy and instead begin trailing soft, sensual kisses down her thigh, her body shivering in response. I can already feel her subconscious begging me to return to devouring her from the inside out.

I travel further down her thigh with my mouth, my already full heart now beginning to overflow. However, all of a sudden, I feel something coating the surface of her leg grazing the sense of touch of my fingers, something that makes me stop in my tracks and postpone my plan.

I take my lips away from her skin, looking down to investigate what it was that I felt on her leg. What I find is the last thing I was expecting.

I freeze.

And just like that, I instantly feel a blazing fire of fury inside me burning hotter than any I have ever experienced.

On her inner left thigh, a large, deep scar engraved in her skin in the shape of the letter 'A' is clearly visible, it's purposeful genesis painfully discernible to my eye. How did I not notice this before? I must have been too intoxicated by her last night to see it.

Someone did this to her. Someone carved what is most likely the first initial of their name in her skin.

Every fucking person whose name starts with the letter 'A' on this fucked up planet better sleep with one eye fucking open from now on.

There will be so much more than just hell to pay.

I need to get answers, I need to find out who was evil enough to fucking do this to her. "Who did this to you, Scarlett?" I question, my tone icy as I fail to repress my rage.

A look of confusion coats her features before she looks down to see what my eyes are fixed on, her eyes widening and her expression freezing when her eyes finally land on the subject of my anger.

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