Chapter 4: New Beginnings

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I woke up with a sharp pain in the back of my head, the kind that makes you feel like your heart is rapidly beating in the place of your injury. Despite the throbbing pain in my head, all I physically felt was comfort. I was laid on an island of luxurious memory foam that only made you wish you could lay on it forever, and surrounded by fresh, silk sheets that felt a little too soft to be my own. As I looked around the room surrounding me, lavish décor, wallpaper with intricate designs, and modern, expensive furniture appeared before my eyes, the main theme being the fitting pair of white and gold. Well this is definitely not my apartment.

I tried to think of a reasonable explanation for all of this, but all I managed to come up with was- "Maybe Elena found me and took me to a hotel?", but that explanation was just as possible as the sky raining elephants today. Number one: we couldn't afford to stay in a hotel, especially if the rooms looked as luxurious as this one does, and number two: even if we could afford it, Elena would never randomly waste our money on a hotel stay we didn't even need when we could easily just go back to our apartment. So why was I here?

Just as I began to think of any further possibilities, I see the door in front of me starting to slowly open, revealing the figures of two women in the distance. Deep down I knew the truth, but I didn't want to admit it to myself. The truth being that most likely, the reason of me being here was because I was taken here against my will- kidnapped- adult-napped- whatever you want to call it. I had to choose my next actions very carefully.

The two women had now fully entered the room and were staring at me with expressions that told me they didn't exactly know what was going on either, but that didn't mean they didn't look fierce, strong...even powerful, in a way. The woman on the right had perfectly styled, shoulder-length waves of chestnut hair, shining as she moved through the sunlight. Her pair of deep blue eyes were watching my every move intently, almost as if she was trying to figure me out, but I didn't fail to notice the deep scar that travelled through her right eye. I wonder where she got a scar that severe, it was almost like, don't go there, not again.

The other woman stood tall, wearing an outfit with admirable, unique style. I couldn't help but think that she looked familiar, something about her told me that this wasn't the first time I'd seen her. Those golden blond locks of hair that extended just below her chin, her emerald green eyes, and the lipstick she wore that appeared just as red as mine would have been hard to forget. The silence in the room was suffocating, what was the point of walking in here just to creepily stare at me? The least either one of them could do was to say something to break the tension, or to simply tell me what the fuck was going on. As stupid as it was to say, I couldn't stop these next words from escaping my mouth...

"Who are you and what the fuck do you want?" I question with silent anger, earning a shared surprised look on each of the women's faces.

"I'm sure you have a lot of questions," the woman with the scar across her eye points out, well thank you captain obvious. No fucking shit, I just asked you two of them.

"Yes, I do. Now why don't you start with answering the two I just asked?" I demand. Giving these people attitude was probably not one of my best ideas, but I wanted answers- I needed answers, and I was going to get them.

"Who we are isn't important, and it isn't our duty to tell you anyway, the boss will tell you if the boss decides he wants to. And as for why you're here, we don't exactly know a clear answer to that either," the green-eyed women states. Well fuck their boss. What the fuck do they mean they can't tell me who they are and why I'm here?

"Let me speak to your boss then."

"He'll speak with you when the time is right."

"And when exactly is this "right time"?"

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