"I think it's better if you went on packing, we're leaving in 10 minutes." Carlisle chuckled, winking at us and embarassing us both no doubt.

"Err... Yea maybe." I said, biting my lip and pulling Alice into our room. "Well, what would a pair of vampires bring to Alaska?" I asked Alice as she sat down on the bed. 

"Alice, baby?" I asked, turning around. Oh shit, vision. "Alice what are you seeing?" I asked her, shooking her shoulders and trying to find emotions in her blank eyes. Her eyes went back to normal, and she shook her head. "And?" I asked her, still holding her shoulders in my iron grip.

"No, it's nothing." She whispered, smiling a weak smile at me. I knew she was trying to hide her emotions, bottling them all up. But I could still feel it; She was truly mortified.

"You sure, babe?" She nodded and I let go of her shoulders, standing up. "Want to tell me what you saw?"

"Just Tanya, trying to get Edward back again." How did she make that up so fast? Or.. was she telling the truth. Either way, there was something wrong but Alice wouldn't tell me. But I trusted Alice, so I didn't push the subject.

"Wonder how that'll work out." I snickered, playing the game with her, though I was sure she knew. Knew I was pretending. "Now then, darlin' should we start packing?" I asked her in my best accent. She giggled and burried her tiny self in my chest, though I felt she was still slightly uncomfortable.

Everything was packed within 4 minutes, and we were in the car exactly 10 minutes after Carlisle's warning. 

'Edward?' I asked in my mind, knowing he would hear me. Edward's eyes searched my face until finding my eyes, a sign he'd heard me. 'Can I talk to you about something when we arrive?' His eyes darted to the ceiling before meeting mine again. A clear 'yes' from him. The rest of the journey on the plane went agonizingly slow. Even with the private Jet Carlisle had hired and the abnormal speed he used to fly it, it still lasted long. 

"Finally"  I breathed in Alice's hair when I heard the small 'thud', signalling the plane had hit the ground. 

"ALASKAAA!" Emmett shouted, pressing his palms in Edward's and my faces and running trough the exit, landing on the snow. Yes, you read that correctly, he ran trough the exit, taking the door with him. Rosalie shrugged and walked after Emmett, rolling her eyes.

"That's going to be a nice bill." Edward said, looking at the messed up exit. 

"How the heck are we going to explain this when we return the jet?" I asked, looking at Carlisle. He raised an eyebrow.

"We'll think of something. Now let's enjoy the snow!" He said, and jumped after Emmett. 

"What's wrong with him?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. Edward and Bella shrugged, and went out, too, Nessie safely in Bella's arms. "What is with everyone's reaction to snow?!" I asked, looking at Alice for support.

"It's just so enjoyable, Jazz!" She giggled, hooking arms with Esme. "Let's go, too!"

"Yes what are you waiting for, Jazzie-poo?" Emmett teased, throwing a snowball in my face.

"You're not going to get away with that, Emmett!" I shouted, running out, too.

Alice and I had finally arrived at our cottage, and she forced me to unpack. How was I going to talk to Edward now?

"Alice, mind if I take a hunt with Edward? I feel thirsty." I asked Alice, who shoved 3 suitcases filled with clothes in my arms.

"If you don' t want to unpack just say so, Jazz. Your eyes are as light as could be. You are not thirsty." Alice chirped, kissing me on the cheek. Thanks for making a motive for me, Alice!

"Mind if I go?"

"No, that's OK." I gave her a soft kiss and ran out, full speed, feeling the chilly wind on my face. The run was over too fast and I was already nearing the Denali clan's home which I never reached because Edward almost ran into me. 

"Hey buddy watch out!" I said, moving to increase the akwardly small distance between us. "And .. Bella." I said to Bella who stuck her head from behind Edward's back. 

'What is she doing here?' I asked him in my mind. Edward glared at me. 

"What's wrong with you two? Mind if I join the conversation." Bella glared at me and her husband, clearly aware of our silent conversation.

"He's wondering why you're here, Bella." Edward said. My hand smacked my face in a 'face-palm' gesture as Edward told Bella what we'd been 'talking' about. Wouldn't he keep anything from her? "No I won't keep anything from her, Jasper." Edward growled.

"Edward I can't just spill all my love problems in front of your wife!" I shouted.

"Love problems, eh?" Edward said suspiciously. "Well I guess Bella wouldn't want to hear that." Edward said, not turning to look at his wife. "Would you, love?"

"No I wouldn't. Bye then." Bella said, and ran back to the Denali's, almost so fast she was a blur for my vampire eyes.

"Love problems, seriously Jasper, where did you get that from." Edward asked, smacking the back of my head with his hand.

"Well I figured Bella wouldn't want to stay if it was about love problems, so I told her it was about love problems, OK?" I said, rubbing the back of my head.

"Fine for this time, but no more lying to my wife." He growled, smacking my head again.

"Fine fine fine!" I said, smacking his hand away. "Let's go to the wood, more privacy." He nodded and we ran into the woods.

"Well buddy, what's up?" Edward asked after some time.

"Alice has been acting very weird lately. She had a vision, and I could feel she was mortified by it. Only she wouldn't tell me what it was about. Have you maybe seen her vision?" I asked Edward, who came to a stop and leaned on a tree carefully, not knocking it over.

"I've seen a couple of visions, but nothing that would leave Alice mortified. She's hiding something, though. She and Tanya both keep singing HSM songs in their heads and it's driving me crazy." Edward murmured, kicking over a tree. So Tanya had been acting weird, too. Sure I'd felt the evil vibes from her, but I was sure it included gaining Edward back. "That's what I tought at first, too. But I know she's hiding something." Edward answered my thoughts.

"Hey can you keep an eye on Alice's thoughts for me?" I asked Edward. He nodded.

"We will figure this out together, and it'll be our little secret." Edward said, shaking my hand.


Written by both my bestie Chiara and me :) Please comment/vote

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