𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝖂𝖆𝕶𝖊 𝖀𝖕

Start from the beginning

Eventually, I found myself calling out for Jayden. I suddenly realized with the weight of a thousand heartbreaks that I had not seen him or heard him once.

For a second I feared he'd be in this mess too and I called out more frantically, his name on my lips like a prayer as I trudged through the space. That's when I suddenly I heard the water slowed and beeps began blaring in my ears.

It sounded familiar the beeping was periodically paced, slow and dull. Methodical and maddeningly familiar.

I couldn't place my finger on it. It was like the words I needed were escaping me as my panic was setting in.

Then I heard the voices. Loud and familiar voices coming from the walls and echoing in the space.

I continued my march through the water that now pulled against me at the waist, walking over to the point in the walls the noise was loudest.

"W-What exactly are you telling us Maddox? There's no way this is the truth." I put my hands the the wall where I heard the voice coming through clearest and started to claw at the wall desperately.

The wallpaper started peeling away to reveal fogged glass to a sight that bent my mind.

I looked through the glass at what appeared to be a memory of my past. Though it was a past I had no recollection of. The people in the memory, me in a hospital bed, the beeping of machinery. It was all splayed out in front of me like a paradoxical nightmare.

That was my dad, my mother, and aunt with the pack doctor, although I had no idea why they were standing in front of me. My view was from a hospital bed but it was as though I was the patient, sitting on a gurney.

Yet I had no recollection of this.

"Pops help, I'm on the other side! I-I'm trapped somewhere dark and I can't get out!" I yelled as I beat against the glass with closed fists.

I was forced to watch helplessly as these moments played out in front of me. Knocking on the glass frantically but remaining a helpless witness.

"It's remarkable, his DNA is unlike anything I've ever witnessed before. His blood lust triggered vampiric ancestry to emerge when it was otherwise dormant he—" The pack doctor said onto my parents as they looked back at him in disbelief and horror.

There are moments of the chatter that cut out like foggy audio in a choppy video but then it starts up again. The film itself never stops, only the words scramble. Like bad cell service or crappy cable.

"While you're gushing about your little scientific discovery you forgot to mention to me why my son isn't awake yet! He isn't talking, he won't wake, my precious boy is—" My mom's voice cuts in enraged, sounding as fiery as her red locks in that moment.

The doctor went in to explain the situation further but his voice cut in and out before he shared a look of condolences and he exited the room. Leaving my family to hover over the little body within my point of view.

From what I remember my parents mentioning, this is what happened after the incident.

This was some point after I had played in my mom's spell books. I casted a spell that nearly killed me, hence why I swore off magic for all those years. That's why my social anxiety manifested, and why I thought I was a monster.

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