Friendship // Neverland

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If he had just let her, Rapunzel would have saved the island. 

He didn't believe she was strong enough. 

And it broke her heart. 

"I don't mean to change the subject, but...the boy?" 

"Safe," she answered with a nod. "Baelfire made it out of here safe and sound."

"And Pan knew nothing of it?" He asked. 

"As far as I know, he was okay with it. Baelfire was not the boy he was looking for, but clearly there was a connection there or else he wouldn't have kept him for so long." 

Hook looked down at his feet, his voice sullen. "I'll miss the lad." 

Rapunzel gulped. She knew that Bae was Pan's grandson. No one else did. But it was a secret she thought best to keep to herself. 

Trust between the two. 

Maybe then, Pan would trust her. 

They heard a rustling in the woods around him. Rapunzel met Hook's eyes. 

"Maybe we shouldn't be talking so openly," she suggested. 

With a simple nod, they continued to move throughout the forest, Rapunzel slower than she'd like to have been. 

Hook slowed down, extending his arm as a guide for her. Normally, she wouldn't have taken the help, but she knew her strength wouldn't last long. So, she took his arm and allowed him to make a path for them.

They went right to Tink's treehouse. 

"Is she here?" Hook asked. 

Rapunzel shrugged. "She never stays in one place for too long during the day. She'll be back soon, I'm sure."

"Here," Hook said, guiding her to a tree stump. Rapunzel sat down, breathless. "It's getting worse."

She shook her head. "He just needed a boost before he left."

Hook's anger rushed through him. "If I could get my hands on him-"

"Why do you care so much?" Rapunzel interrupted. She didn't mean to sound ungrateful. It was a genuine curiosity she had. 

His famous smirk appeared across his lips. "Let's just say I've grown fond of you and hate Pan."

"I wouldn't say that so loudly. What with Felix always lurking about," Rapunzel reminded. 

"Aye, but the worst Pan would do is banish me from Neverland."

"Can I come with you?" 

Hook kneeled down beside her. "You don't have to do this," he said gently. 

"It's the only way to destroy that hourglass," she said. 

"And you think this is the best way to do so? By killing yourself?" Hook asked. 

"I'm not," she contested. "Ever since Tink made the connection to the poison on the island, and figuring out that he's draining me, I've been careful."

"That was a week ago, Rapunzel," Hook reminded her. 

"I know," she said, her voice growing agitated. "He hasn't noticed anything. If I'm going to do something, I need to work quickly." 

"Not if you're going to die," he said. 

"Especially if I'm going to die," Rapunzel almost shouted, standing up from the stump. Hook slowly lifted himself from the ground. "What if this is the exact moment I was made for? What if this is what protects that boy, whoever he is, from dying?"

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