We Got Lost in Translation *KB*

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Warnings: Heavy Miscommunication, Jealousy, Feelings of Betrayal, Depression, Heartbreak... But it ends happy 🤷🏼‍♀️

Smut: Angry/"Hate" Sex, Slut/Whore/Baby (K), Mommy (R), Oral(K), Fingering (K), Strap (K), Face Slapping, Kinks: Spanking/Punishment, Choking, Degrading/Praising combo


The clock struck midnight, a displeased huff fell passed your lips as you faced the reality, pulling the blanket up to your shoulders, and settling into your warm bed; alone once again.

Today was different though, she promised to be here, it was your anniversary for heavens sake. Five years together, a whole half a decade, and she missed every scheduled event for the day. You even checked the news, and low and behold there wasn't any earth shattering event taking place, and when you last checked her location it showed her to be at a diner of sorts. There was just no excuse this time, and you were tired, so incredibly so, it's been like this for a few months now, and you dealt with it, but this is proving to be your final straw.

Tears soaked your pillow as you slipped into a restless nights worth of sleep, and after tossing about at five am, having only managed to get four hours of straight sleep you huffed again., "Nope, I'm fucking done.," you grumbled into the painfully empty space, the covers flew off your body and you jumped off the mattress. After taking a shower you returned to the room, gathering every last item of yours to haphazardly toss it into your duffle bag, and taking one last look at the false image of love on the bedside table before slamming the door on your way out of the unwelcoming space.

Kate rushed into the apartment with an excuse at the ready, expecting to find you sat in the kitchen eating breakfast before you had work. Instead of your frowning face she was met with an eery silence, that only got more daunting as she turned the place upside down in search of you, only to find your drawers to be empty., "Fuck.," she rushed out of the apartment just as quickly as she rushed in, and raced off to where she knew you'd be—your sisters house.

Kate pummeled her fist into the door, willing you to be the one to answer, but of course she wouldn't be that lucky as she was met with the deadly glare of Wanda Maximoff, the woman that once warned her about breaking your heart, and judging by the look in her eye she'd done just that., "Please, Wanda, where is she?," she didn't care though, because she was here to fix everything, it was just a misunderstanding., "Bishop, you have two seconds to get off my property, before I do the work for you."

"Please, it's all just a —.," Kate cut herself off when she saw your face, it'd been a few days since she last saw you, but the sight of you so broken was a stark difference to your norm. It broke her heart to see you so distraught, and to know it was her that did it made it even worse., "Y/N/N, please, just let me explain.," she pleaded with you, ignoring the witches warnings in the hopes that you'd talk to her., "It's okay Wands.," you placed a hand to her shoulder, squeezing lightly to let her know this was a necessary step in the process.

"Lucky's at the neighbors, I told them you'd be by sometime this week to collect him.," you said as if this was the most casual of moments., "Y/N I-.," you cut her off once more with the wave of your hand, her eyes widening when she saw the key to your shared home in between the pads of your fingers., "Here you go, I took all of the stuff I cared to, the rest is yours.," she recoiled instantly, arms crossing like a petulant child who was refusing their vegetables but still expecting dessert., "No, Y/N you're being silly, let's go home and work this out. I love you!"

"Yeah, but you don't like me Kate!," your chest was heaving as you aired your dirty laundry out with the love of your life before Wanda's neighbors., "Don't be ridiculous!," she tried, but failed to interrupt you., "A part of you has grown to love me over the years, but you never liked me, you just pretended to because you'll always do what's right Kate, even if it's not what's right for you.," her face fell into an offensive expression as your words hit her hard, she loves every last part of you, and she doesn't understand where this is coming from.

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