Happy Feet *WM*

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Tony Stark was akin to royalty amongst the commoners, it shown on their stupid smiley faces as he perused about his party. To you though, the only royal thing the billionaire was, was a pain in the ass. If he's not always needing you to heal him with your powers he's forcing you into skimpy outfits for parties thrown with the sole purpose of stroking his massive ego.

This morning you'd woken up in a good mood, and the breakfast that Wanda made and then shared with you only served to make it better. You felt like you were on cloud nine after leaving the kitchen, and it lasted up until you had made it back to your room. The petty note on your door reading out: "Wear this or find a new place to live.," made you want to hurt someone—Tony—in complete opposition to your bodies trained capabilities. Then to add insult to injury the jackass played upon those powers by leaving you a "sexy nurse" costume.

So, when you finally made it to the party you were already in a sour mood, and just the sight of his cocky smirk had you ready to pounce but your best friend—the ever knowing spy—was two steps ahead of you., "Well don't you look positively ravishing.," she teases while forcing a mixed drink into your empty hands., "I know what you're doing Nat, and I want you to know you're only postponing the inevitable."

The redhead quirked a brow at you in search of elaboration., "Upon the witching hour the powers at be that fuel me require a sacrifice, and it will be Tony who graciously takes that spot.," the redhead laughs at your words, and the slight quirk of your lips as you sip your drink tells her that you were indeed joking., "Call me if it gets too messy will you?," she muses while going to leave, but she stops to whisper in your ear., "The hot witch at your six isn't even hiding her want—don't waste the night being a brooding healer, like a total walking contradiction.," and with a parting wink and evasion of your fist the redhead runs off to find the Shego—Maria—to her Kim.

You huffed, shaking off the need to turn and face the women of your dreams to see if Nat was telling the truth—you knew she was, but Wanda was just far too good for you, and in your current state you'd just bring her down. Wanda frowned when she saw you walk the opposite way towards the bar, and if not for the sudden emergence of Tony and his following men with suits she'd have followed you.

The music was too loud, your outfit too tight, and the capacity for your forced niceties was at an all time low as you sat alone on this couch. Bored eyes traveling the expanse of the room to find your fellow Avengers doing their parts, flawlessly even with their beaming smiles and soft tones as they engaged with the crowd, and if like clockwork your eyes made their way back over to the gorgeous Sokovian woman.

Wanda was stood their engaged in what looked to be a riveting conversation with one of the many rich patrons, but you could see just how much she wanted to escape the interaction. You had even considered interrupting them, but then you shared a quick glance with Natasha and her knowing smirk convinced you that the couch was surely the safest bet.

After another three men tried and failed to use the Halloween gala as a means to pick her up Wanda was actually beyond fed up. All she wanted to do tonight was to be with you, she even bought snacks and rented movies, but then Tony had to go an throw a last minute party. Then there's been your evasions, her gaze has yet to be able to catch yours even when she knows it was you who'd been staring, and the one time she got close enough you were conveniently going to top off your drink.

With the use of her powers she quickly readjusts this silly man's route, then she uses the lack of barriers as a way to get to you, and this time you're too busy pouting with an arm over your face to notice her approaching. Heels clicking against the linoleum is to be expected, but being an Avenger and a night owl you've grown pretty aware of all your teammates foot patterings. You sighed upon realizing Wanda was hastily making her way to you, and you knew with the force that her feet hit the ground that running would be a really bad call.

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