Baby, Don't Kill Him! *YB*

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"Baby... Wake up..."

You groaned, rolling over in the bed to hide from the light seeping in through the windows.

"Five more minutes..." You mumbled, and Yelena chuckled at your grumpy state, finding you absolutely adorable.

"You said that ten minutes ago moya lyubov'." She laughs out, and uses her immense strength to flip you over and straddle your lap.

"Oh my God! It burns!!!" You shriek, as you dramatically move to block out the sun, and she falls against you in a fit of laughter.

You wrap your arms around her, and smile, more than happy to have been able to brighten your girlfriends mood as she's been rather down in the dumps as of late.

"I love you..." She whispers, an air of vulnerability visible in her features as she now hovers her face above yours.

You move your hands up to her neck, scratching ever so lightly, then pull her face down to yours for a sweet kiss and she sighs against your lips.

"I love you too, my darling girl..." You mumble as her lips eventually release yours.

"I'm going to miss you." She whimpers out, as she finally situates her body atop of yours comfortably, nuzzling her face into your neck.

"Are you sure you can't come with? I'd really love for you to finally meet my family."

"I've got some business to handle, but maybe I can still make it, just depends on how difficult this job ends up being."

"What business? I still have yet to see where you work."

"Freelancing darling, I do whatever I'm offered within my acquired skillset." She quips, winking down at you, then jumps up out of the bed before you can push the issue.

"Yeah, yeah..." You grumble, as she laughs at your irritation.

She then peaks her head back out of the bathroom, as she smirks mischievously your way.

"How about one last shower for the road?" She quips, as she not so subtly drops her towel from her body, and you leap out of the bed, nearly tripping on the blankets on your way to her.

Your girlfriends secretive nature should bother you, but you've spent your life immersed in secrets, so you let it roll off your back with relative ease.

It's not like you don't have secrets too...

Your mom had you young, and the man she created you with was gone as fast as he came...

Due to the nature of your mother, and eventual fathers line of work, your whole history is a jumbled up, fabricated mess. As far as single mothers go, you were blessed with the kind that coveted your existence, no resentment was ever present. Once she'd settled down with Clint, you were about eight years old, and much to her shock you were rather accepting of the man. It didn't take long for him to take you under his wing, and show you the ropes of archery. He'd eventually entered the Avengers initiative, and your mom retired once the two of them started having kids of their own, Fury was able to help hiding them much better than your mom did you.

You grew up in SHIELD, so really, you are nothing but a vessel of overheard secrets.

Yelena and you had originally planned to spend the next few days together before you headed home, and she got to work. However, your father—well, the man you call dad, had called you to ask you to take your younger siblings home. He'd run into some trouble in the city, and desperately needed them gone. You weren't due home for another week—when it's appropriate to return for the holidays, but you'd be damned if you'd let your younger siblings get caught up in the mess that follows him around.

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