Well, not actually.

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(Y/n's POV)

I really did mean what I said. Spider is unique. I don't know if I meant what I said in a nice way or not, the words just kind of came out. Though, I am glad that what I said didn't make things awkward.

As I stare up at the night sky, I get very drowsy. I yawn and look over to Spider, "I'm getting tired, should we go to the lab now?"

Spider looks over to me, "Sure." He says, smiling.

Spider and I both get up and head over to the lab, which isn't that far from where we are. When we get inside the lab, we take off our oxygen masks and go to our beds. Spider walks me over to my bed and smiles before saying, "Goodnight, Y/n. Sleep well."

I smile back at him while getting in bed, "You too."

And with that, he goes to his bed.

I get comfortable in my bed and recall everything that happened today. I had a surprisingly good day. And I went all day without absolutely HATING Spider. I only hated him for a little. Earlier, when we heard something ruffling the leaves when we were on our walk. I was actually going to kill him. Well, not actually. I will harm Spider, but I'd never kill him. I don't think I'd ever kill anyone. I don't even think that I would harm anyone for that matter. I've only ever harmed Spider, and that was one time. I do feel horrible whenever I think about it. But I am hoping that today makes up for all the bad stuff I did to Spider. If not all of it, at least some. I did have fun today, though. I really did.

When I get sleepy enough, I fall asleep with a smile on my face.

Y/n x Spider (From Avatar: The Way of Water)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz