You know you love me.

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(Spider's POV)

I wake up in my bed, which is in the lab. I look over to Y/n's bed and see that she's still asleep. I want to wake her up, but the encounter that we had yesterday was strange. I won't let it get to me.

I get up and out of bed and start walking over to Y/n's bed.

"Y/n wake up." I whisper.

She doesn't wake up.

"Wake up." I whisper again, slightly raising my voice.

She doesn't wake up.

I grab her shoulder and kind of shake her. She bolts up into a sitting position and starts to breathe heavily.

"Are you alright?" I ask.

"Just dandy." She sarcastically responds, turning to me.

I let go of her arm, "Get up, you have a nice day ahead of you."

"When have I ever had a nice day ahead of me?"

"Everyday that I was with you." I tease.

"You're mixing it up, those are the days that aren't nice."

"No, I think those are some of your best days."

"If by 'best' you mean 'worst' then yes, I agree."

I laugh, "Oh c'mon, I'm not all that bad."

"Yes you are."

"I am not."

"Agree to disagree?" She asks, with a smirk on her face.

"You know you love me."

Her smirk drops straight down, "Who in the world would love you, other than yourself?"

I completely ignore her question, "Just admit it, you love me."

"Quit playing with me. I am in no mood for games."

"Since when do you not want to argue with me? It's your favorite thing to do."

"It isn't my favorite thing to do, I have many other things that I am more interested in."

"Like what? Reading?" I ask. To be honest, that's all that Y/n does. Read.

She doesn't answer. I don't think there is anything that she can answer with.

She crosses her arms, "Shut up, idiot."

I smirk, "You can't call me that."

She tilts her head in confusion. I'm guessing that she doesn't remember.

I remind her, "Remember? You can't call me what you don't think of me."

She brings her head back to its original position, "I can call you what I please."

I smirk at the idea I have, "So, hypothetically, if you wanted to, you could call me your boyfriend. And I guess I would have no choice, other than to accept what you're calling me, am I right?"

Her jaw drops a little, I'm guessing, in disgust, "Hypothetically, yes. Though, I would never do such a thing. For the sake of my sanity," She pauses, "You do seem very eager to have me call you such a thing, is there something you want to tell me?" I see that the old Y/n is back and she's teasing again.

"Maybe. What would you say if I did?" I tease, playing her game.

"I would have to know what you have to say in order for me to respond. Speak now or forever hold your peace."

I stay quiet.

She slowly shrugs, "Well, I suppose that if you have nothing to admit, I'll be on my way."

Y/n x Spider (From Avatar: The Way of Water)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang