I'll be back, babygirl.

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(Y/n's POV)

As I walk away to find Jake, I get so angry. I heard what Kiri said. I do NOT like Spider. I don't even like him as a person, I could NEVER like him romantically. Not in a million years. 

I find Jake and walk over to him. He's talking to Ney'tiri. I clear my throat for him to know that I am there. He turns around and says, "Oh, Hey, Y/n." 

"Hey, Jake." I respond.

"Is there something you need?" Jake asks, seeming to be concerned.

"Norm needs you back at the lab, I don't know what for. He's just asked me to ask you to go to the lab."

Jake nods, "Alright," He turns around to Ney'tiri, "I'll be back, babygirl."

Ney'tiri nods. I smile at her and wave. 

I walk away and have all the intentions to go back to the lab.

I see Tuk as I walk and she's just playing, like normal. When I see that I'm about to approach Spider and Kiri, I decide to take a different route. So I turn to my left and take the longer path. It is a long path, but it will be worth it. Anything to avoid ANY contact with Spider.

Didn't Kiri try to tell Spider that I avoid him because I get nervous around him? I don't want to prove her point. I could just walk by them without looking at them at all. Is it too late to do that? If I turn back around to go in their direction, it would look like I want to be around them. I don't want to. I don't even have an excuse to go over there to talk to Kiri, I'm kind of mad at her for what she said. Yes, it's completely harmless, I just hate when she does this kind of stuff, and quite frankly, I'm tired of it, she does it way too many times. It's getting old.

I suddenly hear footsteps behind me. They are slightly quick-paced. I suspect that its just Tuk. I find that my suspicions were correct when Tuk jumps out in front of me, smiling. She asks, "Where are you going?" 

"The lab." I respond, with a smile.

Tuk frowns, "But you're always at the lab, I never see you."

"That's because I have a hiding spot in the lab."

"Really?" She asks, highly interested.

I nod.

"Where?" She asks.

"You'll never know." I say messing up her hair with my hand.

"C'mon, please tell me."



"No, but next time you come to the lab, ask someone to come get me and I'll play with you, deal?" 

Tuk smiles, "Okay, deal."

And with that, she runs off to go play more and I continue to walk. 

When I am in the middle of a forest area of Pandora, I hear a creak. I immediately jump and get very alert. I look around but fail to see anything. 

Maybe it was nothing, I think to myself.

But on Pandora, it could be anything.

I look around again, cautiously. Yet, nothing.

Whatever. I shrug it off and just continue to walk.

Minutes pass and I hear a creak again. I stop dead in my tracks and whip my head in every direction, checking to see what's there. 


I grab my knife that I always carry with me and keep looking around. Everything is still... until I hear some leaves ruffle. I quickly snap my head to look in the direction at which the noise came from. Yet, nothing, again.

I am tempted to call out to see if anyone is there. Though, I don't think I want to know what would happen if I were to make any loud noises. I hardly want to know what's happening right now. 

I hear another, louder, ruffle of leaves come from a different direction, which sent shivers down my terribly misshapen spine. After that, it's dead silent. I can hear nothing but my heavy breathing. But suddenly... I hear a noise. I am too scared right now to comprehend what noise it is. However, it does sound familiar.

Within the one second it took me to realize what the noise was, I relax myself and my stiff body.

It's just a laugh, not only a laugh, but it's Spider's laugh.

He's always doing stuff like this, it's so annoying.

"What do you want, Miles?" I ask, sort of out of breath.

"Stop calling me that, would you?" He says, rolling his eyes.

"No." I blankly respond.

Y/n x Spider (From Avatar: The Way of Water)Where stories live. Discover now