If anything, you're the child.

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(Y/n's POV)

I never realized how many times that Spider compliments me. I guess that I never took what he said as compliments. To be honest, I never had a reason to take what he said as a compliment. I am not saying that Spider is a jerk, I just never took him as the type to compliment anyone, let alone, me.

"Well... What do you want to do? This was all that I really had planned for today and it ended quicker than I expected." I say, breaking the crisp silence.

"I don't know, I could just leave you alone if you want, I know that you don't really like being around me." Spider says.

I slightly get sad when he says that. Does he not see that I am trying to be nice? Does he not see that I'm trying to hang out with him so that we can be close again? I get that he knows I don't like being around him, but is he really that blind to what I am trying to do here? Does HE not want to be around me? He has been quiet. He was the one that wanted to be close again, he should know that the process of getting closer involves hanging out. I am thinking about this too much.

"Do you not want to hang out?" I ask.

"I do." Spider says.

I nod, "Alright then, what are we going to do?"

"It's up to you." He says.

"It really isn't."

"Okay, well we can go outside." Spider suggests.

I should not have let him decide what we were doing. He knows that I don't feel welcome in Pandora. Scratch that, he knows that I am not welcome on Pandora. I don't feel like I'm not welcome there, I know that I am not welcome there. It is not my home, it does not belong to me. It doesn't belong to Spider either, so I have no idea why he is always so comfortable there.

"We could." I say, saying that it IS a possibility, but implying that I don't want to go.

"Alright, let's go." Spider says, not picking up on what I said at all.

I let out a big sigh before getting up. Spider gets up as well and rushes off to grab an oxygen mask. I walk slowly, not wanting to go outside. Though, there isn't really anything else to do. 

When I go to where the oxygen masks are, Spider isn't there.

"Spider?" I call out, looking around for him.

"Spider?" I call out, again.

"Miles, this isn't funny, where are you? We're supposed to stick together." I say. We never told each other that we are supposed to stick together, I just thought that he knew. I stand terribly corrected. Where is he?

I grab an oxygen mask and put it on before going outside, to look for Spider. I look around and don't see him anywhere. I am starting to get a little nervous. Where is he? Did he just leave? Does he not want to hang out? Is he just doing this to scare me? He most likely is. I roll my eyes.

"Miles. Get out here right now, you're not going to scare me." I cross my arms while letting out a heavy sigh of annoyance.

I wait for a few minutes but Spider doesn't come out. Is he not going to try and scare me? Did he really just leave me? Wow. And I thought I would be the one to ditch. I guess I was wrong.

I turn around to start walking back inside, but I hear something behind me. I quickly grab my knife and turn around, sticking my knife in front of me. A small knife probably will not do much to anything that might try and attack me, but it gives me a sense of security knowing that I still do have something to protect myself with.

As I am looking around, I don't see anything. I squint my eyes and look closer at everything. I see some leaves ruffling and turn my sight to where the ruffling came from. Something is slowly coming out from the leaves. I squint my eyes even more, trying to make out what it is. As it comes closer to me and out from hiding, I see that it is only Spider. I relax myself and sigh heavily. 

"Miles! What is wrong with you?" I yell as I put my knife back. I want to keep my knife out and slit Spider's stupid throat, but I don't. I can control myself.

"What do you mean? I've been looking for you." Spider calls back.

"I've been here this whole time. If you weren't such a child and didn't run off, you would have known that."

Spider finally gets close enough to me where he doesn't have to yell anymore.

"I didn't run off and I'm not a child." Spider defends himself.

"Yes you are. You're a child, a big one, but a child nonetheless." I say crossing my arms.

"If anything, you're the child."

"How am I a child?" I ask, offended.

"You always complain about having to go outside and you whine like a baby."

"I am not a baby!"

"Yes you are, you're a big baby." Spider says. I can't tell if he's saying this to be funny or not, he has a blank expression on his face.

Spider sighs and relaxed his shoulders, which were pretty tense, "Fine. You're not a baby."

"I am very aware that I am not a baby, I don't need you to tell me that for me to know."

"Then why were trying to prove yourself to me?" Spider asks, slightly raising his voice.

I raise my voice as well, "I was not trying to prove myself to you!"

"Really? Because it seemed like it to me."

"Well, you're an idiot, what do you know?" I ask, not meaning to say what I did.

Spider stays quiet. Maybe I shouldn't have said what I did.

"I didn't mean that, it kind of just slipped out." I say, trying to let him know that I'm sorry. I'm not sorry, but I want him to think that I am. I would never tell Spider that I'm sorry.

Spider just nods slowly.

When I look him in the eyes, I feel terrible. His eyes show just how upset he is. How could what I say affect Spider so much? It was just one dumb thing I said. He'll get over it, right?

Y/n x Spider (From Avatar: The Way of Water)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang